What is Koup?
It is a replica of the boardgame Coup. Rules can be found here
Some Notes about Koup:
The corresponding front-end of Koup is created by @stevenw47 and can be found here at https://github.com/stevenw47/koup. To get the whole Koup app up and running, you will need to build both the front-end from @stevenw47's repo and the back-end from this repo.
Koup Demo!
- Koup API Demo: https://koup-api.herokuapp.com/
- Koup App Demo (Front-end with API calls): https://stevenw47.github.io/koup/#/
Brief Description of the API:
GraphQL Endpoint
More details in GraphQL Endpoint documentation
Setup Endpoint (For Setting Up the Service)
Housekeeping Endpoints (For Purging Expired Rooms)
# Clear rooms that has last_updated time over 'minutes'
/housekeeping/purge/<int: minutes>
# Dynamically clear rooms that has last_updated time over the max_idle_minutes defined by the room