Export data from Slack as a non-admin user. This script uses Slack's API to export history from each channel chunk by chunk.
Note that the format of channel logs is JSON, not NDJSON. We should probably make it possible to output NDJSON using a command line option. There are many things that would be nice to have so feel free to contribute and submit pull requests.
Generate a test Slack API token here and put it in
a file called ./env
like this:
export SLACK_TOKEN=xoxp-123456...
Then every time you start your shell just cd
into this directory, do source ./env
and run the exporter with your desired options.
./slack-exporter --min-members 17 --date-start 2016-06-01
Find more options in ./slack-exporter -h
pyenv virtualenv 3.5.0 slack-exporter
pyenv local slack-exporter