This project containes the ESP-IDF driver both for the YL-69 and HL-69 soil moisture sensor. This sensor outputs voltage value that changes accordingly to water content in the soil. Specifically, when the soil is:
- wet the output voltage decreases;
- dry the output voltage increases.
There are few steps to follow for running this component. Take a look at the list below.
First of all, clone this repository or download latest release
Set up the esp32-yl69 component into the requires of your CMakeLists.txt
set(COMPONENT_REQUIRES esp32-yl69)
- Include the header file within your main application
#include "yl69.h"
- Initialize the driver with the following function
void setup() {
- And run the task as follow
static void yl69_task(void *arg) {
char yl69_buffer[1024];
while(is_running) {
uint32_t adc_reading = yl69_read();
uint32_t adc_percentage = yl69_normalization(adc_reading);
snprintf(yl69_buffer, sizeof(yl69_buffer), "{\"soil_mosture\": %d}", adc_percentage);
printf("%s\n", yl69_buffer);
vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
void loop() {
xTaskCreate(yl69_task, "yl69_task", 4*1024, NULL, 1, NULL);