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Merge pull request #6 from lcmd-epfl/dev
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Add YOXKUS example
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OsHCuellar authored Nov 16, 2023
2 parents 1f0ac8c + fc476bd commit dfc522b
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Showing 7 changed files with 1,198 additions and 0 deletions.
206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions compute/examples/cif/YOXKUS.cif
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@

# Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
# If this CIF has been generated from an entry in the Cambridge
# Structural Database, then it will include bibliographic, chemical,
# crystal, experimental, refinement or atomic coordinate data resulting
# from the CCDC's data processing and validation procedures.

_audit_creation_date 2009-11-24
_audit_creation_method CSD-ConQuest-V1
_database_code_CSD YOXKUS
_database_code_depnum_ccdc_archive 'CCDC 703987'
_chemical_formula_sum 'C23 H24 I2 O1 P1 Re1'
C23 H24 I2 O1 P1 Re1
_journal_coden_Cambridge 222
_journal_year 2009
_journal_page_first 3044
_journal_name_full 'Dalton Trans. '
_cell_volume 2326.703
_exptl_crystal_colour 'red'
_exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 2.248
Cif gives the study temperature as 273 K

_exptl_crystal_description 'plates'
_exptl_crystal_preparation 'dichloromethane/hexanes'
_diffrn_ambient_temperature 298
#These two values have been output from a single CSD field.
_refine_ls_R_factor_gt 0.0561
_refine_ls_wR_factor_gt 0.0561
_symmetry_cell_setting monoclinic
_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 21/n'
_symmetry_Int_Tables_number 14
1 x,y,z
2 1/2-x,1/2+y,1/2-z
3 -x,-y,-z
4 -1/2+x,-1/2-y,-1/2+z
_cell_length_a 15.1360(15)
_cell_length_b 8.7980(8)
_cell_length_c 17.9659(17)
_cell_angle_alpha 90
_cell_angle_beta 103.464(2)
_cell_angle_gamma 90
_cell_formula_units_Z 4
C 0.68
H 0.23
I 1.40
O 0.68
P 1.05
Re 1.51
Re1 Re -0.00653(3) 0.94596(4) 0.76561(2)
I1 I 0.09638(5) 1.21082(8) 0.79712(5)
I2 I -0.14816(5) 1.15565(9) 0.73264(5)
P1 P 0.12236(18) 0.8253(3) 0.85209(15)
C1 C 0.0612(7) 0.7562(10) 0.7151(6)
C2 C -0.0302(7) 0.7141(11) 0.7097(6)
C3 C -0.0826(7) 0.8228(11) 0.6602(6)
C4 C -0.0248(7) 0.9287(12) 0.6341(6)
C5 C 0.0654(8) 0.8889(12) 0.6675(6)
C6 C -0.0634(8) 0.5731(12) 0.7409(8)
H1 H -0.07870 0.49830 0.70100
H2 H -0.11610 0.59650 0.75970
H3 H -0.01650 0.53390 0.78190
C7 C -0.1840(8) 0.8070(15) 0.6288(7)
H4 H -0.19530 0.73740 0.58650
H5 H -0.20940 0.90440 0.61190
H6 H -0.21140 0.76910 0.66820
C8 C -0.0558(9) 1.0502(15) 0.5764(7)
H7 H -0.07430 1.00560 0.52640
H8 H -0.00700 1.12030 0.57730
H9 H -0.10620 1.10330 0.58830
C9 C 0.1522(7) 0.9567(13) 0.6525(7)
H10 H 0.16900 0.90240 0.61160
H11 H 0.20010 0.94880 0.69800
H12 H 0.14220 1.06180 0.63860
C10 C 0.1421(7) 0.6999(12) 0.7762(6)
H13 H 0.19970 0.71950 0.76310
H14 H 0.13720 0.59320 0.78820
C11 C 0.2294(7) 0.9229(11) 0.8941(6)
C12 C 0.3037(7) 0.9124(12) 0.8673(7)
H15 H 0.30220 0.85340 0.82410
C13 C 0.3835(8) 0.9865(15) 0.9017(7)
H16 H 0.43520 0.97640 0.88250
C14 C 0.3846(10) 1.0753(15) 0.9648(9)
H17 H 0.43690 1.12930 0.98730
C15 C 0.3107(10) 1.0851(14) 0.9945(8)
H18 H 0.31310 1.14100 1.03890
C16 C 0.2309(8) 1.0115(13) 0.9586(7)
H19 H 0.17890 1.02140 0.97750
C17 C 0.1077(7) 0.7064(11) 0.9306(6)
C18 C 0.1416(8) 0.5620(13) 0.9405(7)
H20 H 0.16720 0.51970 0.90300
C19 C 0.1390(9) 0.4779(14) 1.0037(8)
H21 H 0.16160 0.37910 1.00890
C20 C 0.1024(9) 0.5419(18) 1.0597(8)
H22 H 0.09930 0.48500 1.10260
C21 C 0.0704(9) 0.6880(18) 1.0530(7)
H23 H 0.04780 0.73080 1.09210
C22 C 0.0718(8) 0.7721(14) 0.9881(6)
H24 H 0.04910 0.87080 0.98280
C23 C -0.0730(8) 0.8988(12) 0.8379(6)
O1 O -0.1186(4) 0.8657(7) 0.8731(4)
Re1 I1 2.787 1_555 1_555
I2 Re1 2.785 1_555 1_555
P1 Re1 2.436 1_555 1_555
C1 Re1 2.257 1_555 1_555
C2 Re1 2.265 1_555 1_555
C3 Re1 2.252 1_555 1_555
C4 Re1 2.319 1_555 1_555
C5 Re1 2.332 1_555 1_555
C6 C2 1.496 1_555 1_555
H1 C6 0.961 1_555 1_555
H2 C6 0.958 1_555 1_555
H3 C6 0.960 1_555 1_555
C7 C3 1.513 1_555 1_555
H4 C7 0.960 1_555 1_555
H5 C7 0.959 1_555 1_555
H6 C7 0.960 1_555 1_555
C8 C4 1.487 1_555 1_555
H7 C8 0.960 1_555 1_555
H8 C8 0.960 1_555 1_555
H9 C8 0.960 1_555 1_555
C9 C5 1.523 1_555 1_555
H10 C9 0.959 1_555 1_555
H11 C9 0.961 1_555 1_555
H12 C9 0.961 1_555 1_555
C10 P1 1.832 1_555 1_555
H13 C10 0.970 1_555 1_555
H14 C10 0.970 1_555 1_555
C11 P1 1.834 1_555 1_555
C12 C11 1.326 1_555 1_555
H15 C12 0.930 1_555 1_555
C13 C12 1.385 1_555 1_555
H16 C13 0.930 1_555 1_555
C14 C13 1.374 1_555 1_555
H17 C14 0.931 1_555 1_555
C15 C14 1.350 1_555 1_555
H18 C15 0.931 1_555 1_555
C16 C11 1.392 1_555 1_555
H19 C16 0.931 1_555 1_555
C17 P1 1.811 1_555 1_555
C18 C17 1.366 1_555 1_555
H20 C18 0.930 1_555 1_555
C19 C18 1.363 1_555 1_555
H21 C19 0.931 1_555 1_555
C20 C19 1.377 1_555 1_555
H22 C20 0.929 1_555 1_555
C21 C20 1.369 1_555 1_555
H23 C21 0.930 1_555 1_555
C22 C17 1.399 1_555 1_555
H24 C22 0.931 1_555 1_555
C23 Re1 1.865 1_555 1_555
O1 C23 1.079 1_555 1_555
C1 C2 1.414 1_555 1_555
C1 C5 1.457 1_555 1_555
C1 C10 1.524 1_555 1_555
C2 C3 1.416 1_555 1_555
C3 C4 1.430 1_555 1_555
C4 C5 1.402 1_555 1_555
C15 C16 1.390 1_555 1_555
C21 C22 1.385 1_555 1_555

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