The hPIC-surrogate MATLAB code creates surrogate ion energy-angle distribution (IEAD) models based on hPIC data and performs sensitivity analysis.
The code requires the following:
(1) MATLAB files
(2) Tasmanian: see installation instructions below
(3) hPIC data: see downloading instructions below
The function "main.m" is the main function that needs to be run.
The function has two hardcoded parameters: the physical parameter space dimension (dim = 2) and the sparse grid level (sglevel = 7). These parameters can be changed to account for other cases, with the following options:
- dim = 2, 4
- sglevel = 7, 10, 13
The function requires definition of the following directories:
- Directory_tsg: directory corresponding to the Tasmanian Workfiles folder
- Directory_train: directory containing the training data (two directories need to be defined - one for 2D and one for 4D)
- Directory_test: directory containing the testing data (two directories need to be defined - one for 2D and one for 4D)
The following are steps for installation of Tasmanian and linking MATLAB to it.
STEP 1: Download the source code (TASMANIAN-7.7.tar.gz) file from:
and move the file to a desired directory, e.g., "~/Documents/MATLAB/"
STEP 2: Untar source code file by running
tar -xf TASMANIAN-7.7.tar.gz
or, if the file is automatically unzipped,
tar -xf TASMANIAN-7.7.tar
STEP 3: Run the following commands
mkdir build
cd build
Note: You would need to have cmake installed (see for downloading instructions) and add it to the path. To add cmake to the path you may use the following command:
STEP 4: Run the following commands
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install
STEP 5: Add Tasmanian to the MATLAB path
Type the following in MATLAB (a command to add the path is output when running cmake --build . --target install)
The hPIC data can be freely accessed online through the Constellation portal ( of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Leadership Computing Facility under the following doi: 10.13139/ORNLNCCS/1846780