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2D full-stokes solver for subglacial lakes. configured for studying detectability of filling/draining events


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This repository contains FEniCS python code for simulating subglacial lake filling-draining events. The model is 2D isothermal Stokes flow with nonlinear ("Glen's law") viscosity. Grounding line migration and ice-water/ice-air free surface evolution are included. The contact conditions that determine whether ice remains in contact with the bed or goes afloat are enforced with a penalty functional. We are using this model to study the "observability" of subglacial lake filling/draining events from surface observations.

There is also a linearized (small-perturbation) version of the model that is used to produce water volume change and lake length estimates (see linear-model description below).


Required dependencies

This code runs with the current FEniCS Docker image ( Docker may be obtained at: To run the Docker image:

docker run -ti -p -v $(pwd):/home/fenics/shared -w /home/fenics/shared

Optional dependencies

  1. FFmpeg ( can be used, along with, to create a video of the evolving free surface geometry over time. See description below.

  2. ParaView is useful for visualizing velocity/pressure solutions to the Stokes equations (


1. Source files

The model is organized in 7 python files in the source directory as follows.

  1. contains the geometric description of the bed and initial ice-water interface.

  2. contains all of the model parameters and model options.

  3. contains the Stokes system solver and related functions.

  4. contains functions that solve the surface kinematic equations, move the mesh, and return the grounding line positions.

  5. contains functions that mark the mesh boundary and apply boundary conditions.

  6. contains the subglacial lake volume change timeseries.

  7. runs the model. It contains the time-stepping loop that calls the Stokes solver and mesh-related functions at each timestep.

2. Scripts

The scripts directory contains:

  1. (1) Creates plots of the free surface geometry at lake lowstand and highstand and (2) computes the estimated volume change from surface displacement and compares this to the true lake volume change.

  2. generates .png images of the basal and upper surfaces for each time step. These may then be used to create a .mp4 movie using the FFmpeg command in the comments at the top of the file: ffmpeg -r 50 -f image2 -s 1920x1080 -i %01d.png -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf scale=1280:-2 movie.mp4

These scripts are run from the parent directory.

3. Linear model

The linear-model directory contains code that is based on a small-perturbation approximation of the free surface model. The model is very computationally efficient in this context, relying only on Fourier transforms and quadrature. They work with the lastest version of SciPy (1.7).

The data subdirectory contains the ice thickness and basal sliding coefficient map (H_beta.zarr), and subglacial lake length/locations (active_lake_statistics.dat)---see readme in the data directory.

The programs are:

  1. Constructs volume change, lake length, and phase lag estimates for a given range of ice thickness, oscillation period, and basal sliding coefficient.

  2. Computes maps of the volume change, lake length, and phase lag estimates given maps of the ice thickness and basal sliding coefficient. To do so, the oscillation period, amplitude, and lake length must be chosen.

  3. Plots the ice thickness and basal sliding coefficient maps.

These files are run by: python3

The data used to construct the map is from the publication:

Arthern, R. J., Hindmarsh, R. C., & Williams, C. R. (2015). Flow speed within the Antarctic ice sheet and its controls inferred from satellite observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 120(7), 1171-1188.

Plots of the results are automatically produced and saved as png's.

Running the FEniCS code

To run the FEniCS code:

  1. Start the FEniCS Docker image.

  2. In Docker, run the main file from the parent directory: python3 ./source/

This runs the code with the default options. Read below for a discussion of model options.


Model output from the FEniCS code is saved in a results_tX_HY_CZ directory, where X is the oscillation period in years, Y is the ice thickness in km, and Z = log_10 (C), where C is the sliding law coefficient (C=10^Z, units of Pa s/m). The directory includes

  1. the Stokes solution (stokes subdirectory),

  2. upper and lower surface geometry at each timestep (Gamma_s and Gamma_h, resp.),

  3. minimum and maximum grounding line positions (x_left and x_right, resp.),

  4. penalty functional residual (P_res),

  5. mean elevation of upper and lower surfaces over the ice-water interface (s_mean and h_mean, resp.),

  6. spatial coordinate (X),

  7. time coordinate (t),

  8. lake volume timeseries (lake_vol), and

  9. deviation of mean water pressure from cryostatic pressure (dPw, in kilopascals).

Gamma_s and Gamma_h are two-dimensional arrays: the columns are the free surfaces at the timestep corresponding to the row index. The spatial coordinate X is finer than the mesh spacing because Gamma_s and Gamma_h are created by linear interpolation of the mesh nodes in SciPy.

Model options

FEniCS model options and parameters are set on the command line. To see a list of model options, run python3 ./source/ -h. Most importantly:

  1. Parameters of interest are pd (period of oscillation, yr), H (ice thickness, meters), C (basal drag coefficient, Pa s/m), and L (domain length, km).

  2. Real-time plotting is available by setting -plotting on. This outputs a png called 'surfaces' of the free surface geometry at each timestep.

Other parameters can be modified in


2D full-stokes solver for subglacial lakes. configured for studying detectability of filling/draining events







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