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feat: add trans tactic (#1001)
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fgdorais authored Oct 19, 2024
1 parent 1e0bf50 commit 1013079
Showing 3 changed files with 326 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Batteries.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ import Batteries.Tactic.PrintPrefix
import Batteries.Tactic.SeqFocus
import Batteries.Tactic.ShowUnused
import Batteries.Tactic.SqueezeScope
import Batteries.Tactic.Trans
import Batteries.Tactic.Unreachable
import Batteries.Tactic.Where
import Batteries.Test.Internal.DummyLabelAttr
218 changes: 218 additions & 0 deletions Batteries/Tactic/Trans.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Siddhartha Gadgil. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Siddhartha Gadgil, Mario Carneiro
import Lean.Elab.Tactic.ElabTerm
import Batteries.Tactic.Alias

# `trans` tactic
This implements the `trans` tactic, which can apply transitivity theorems with an optional middle
variable argument.

/-- Compose using transitivity, homogeneous case. -/
def Trans.simple {r : α → α → Sort _} [Trans r r r] : r a b → r b c → r a c := trans

@[deprecated (since := "2024-10-18")]
alias Trans.heq := Trans.trans

namespace Batteries.Tactic
open Lean Meta Elab

initialize registerTraceClass `Tactic.trans

/-- Discrimation tree settings for the `trans` extension. -/
def transExt.config : WhnfCoreConfig := {}

/-- Environment extension storing transitivity lemmas -/
initialize transExt :
SimpleScopedEnvExtension (Name × Array DiscrTree.Key) (DiscrTree Name) ←
registerSimpleScopedEnvExtension {
addEntry := fun dt (n, ks) => dt.insertCore ks n
initial := {}

initialize registerBuiltinAttribute {
name := `trans
descr := "transitive relation"
add := fun decl _ kind =>' do
let declTy := (← getConstInfo decl).type
let (xs, _, targetTy) ← withReducible <| forallMetaTelescopeReducing declTy
let fail := throwError
"@[trans] attribute only applies to lemmas proving
x ∼ y → y ∼ z → x ∼ z, got {indentExpr declTy} with target {indentExpr targetTy}"
let .app (.app rel _) _ := targetTy | fail
let some yzHyp := xs.back? | fail
let some xyHyp := xs.pop.back? | fail
let .app (.app _ _) _ ← inferType yzHyp | fail
let .app (.app _ _) _ ← inferType xyHyp | fail
let key ← withReducible <| DiscrTree.mkPath rel transExt.config
transExt.add (decl, key) kind

open Lean.Elab.Tactic

/-- solving `e ← mkAppM' f #[x]` -/
def getExplicitFuncArg? (e : Expr) : MetaM (Option <| Expr × Expr) := do
match e with
| f a => do
if ← isDefEq (← mkAppM' f #[a]) e then
return some (f, a)
getExplicitFuncArg? f
| _ => return none

/-- solving `tgt ← mkAppM' rel #[x, z]` given `tgt = f z` -/
def getExplicitRelArg? (tgt f z : Expr) : MetaM (Option <| Expr × Expr) := do
match f with
| rel x => do
let check: Bool ← do
let folded ← mkAppM' rel #[x, z]
isDefEq folded tgt
catch _ =>
pure false
if check then
return some (rel, x)
getExplicitRelArg? tgt rel z
| _ => return none

/-- refining `tgt ← mkAppM' rel #[x, z]` dropping more arguments if possible -/
def getExplicitRelArgCore (tgt rel x z : Expr) : MetaM (Expr × Expr) := do
match rel with
| rel' _ => do
let check: Bool ← do
let folded ← mkAppM' rel' #[x, z]
isDefEq folded tgt
catch _ =>
pure false
if !check then
return (rel, x)
getExplicitRelArgCore tgt rel' x z
| _ => return (rel ,x)

/-- Internal definition for `trans` tactic. Either a binary relation or a non-dependent
arrow. -/
inductive TransRelation
/-- Expression for transitive relation. -/
| app (rel : Expr)
/-- Constant name for transitive relation. -/
| implies (name : Name) (bi : BinderInfo)

/-- Finds an explicit binary relation in the argument, if possible. -/
def getRel (tgt : Expr) : MetaM (Option (TransRelation × Expr × Expr)) := do
match tgt with
| .forallE name binderType body info => return .some (.implies name info, binderType, body)
| .app f z =>
match (← getExplicitRelArg? tgt f z) with
| some (rel, x) =>
let (rel, x) ← getExplicitRelArgCore tgt rel x z
return some (.app rel, x, z)
| none =>
return none
| _ => return none

`trans` applies to a goal whose target has the form `t ~ u` where `~` is a transitive relation,
that is, a relation which has a transitivity lemma tagged with the attribute [trans].
* `trans s` replaces the goal with the two subgoals `t ~ s` and `s ~ u`.
* If `s` is omitted, then a metavariable is used instead.
Additionally, `trans` also applies to a goal whose target has the form `t → u`,
in which case it replaces the goal with `t → s` and `s → u`.
elab "trans" t?:(ppSpace colGt term)? : tactic => withMainContext do
let tgt := (← instantiateMVars (← (← getMainGoal).getType)).cleanupAnnotations
let .some (rel, x, z) ← getRel tgt |
throwError (m!"transitivity lemmas only apply to binary relations and " ++
m!"non-dependent arrows, not {indentExpr tgt}")
match rel with
| .implies name info =>
-- only consider non-dependent arrows
if z.hasLooseBVars then
throwError "`trans` is not implemented for dependent arrows{indentExpr tgt}"
-- parse the intermeditate term
let middleType ← mkFreshExprMVar none
let t'? ← t?.mapM (elabTermWithHoles · middleType (← getMainTag))
let middle ← (t'?.map (pure ·.1)).getD (mkFreshExprMVar middleType)
liftMetaTactic fun goal => do
-- create two new goals
let g₁ ← mkFreshExprMVar (some <| .forallE name x middle info) .synthetic
let g₂ ← mkFreshExprMVar (some <| .forallE name middle z info) .synthetic
-- close the original goal with `fun x => g₂ (g₁ x)`
goal.assign (.lam name x (.app g₂ (.app g₁ (.bvar 0))) .default)
pure <| [g₁.mvarId!, g₂.mvarId!] ++ if let some (_, gs') := t'? then gs' else [middle.mvarId!]
| .app rel =>
trace[Tactic.trans]"goal decomposed"
trace[Tactic.trans]"rel: {indentExpr rel}"
trace[Tactic.trans]"x: {indentExpr x}"
trace[Tactic.trans]"z: {indentExpr z}"
-- first trying the homogeneous case
let ty ← inferType x
let t'? ← t?.mapM (elabTermWithHoles · ty (← getMainTag))
let s ← saveState
trace[Tactic.trans]"trying homogeneous case"
let lemmas :=
(← (transExt.getState (← getEnv)).getUnify rel transExt.config).push ``Trans.simple
for lem in lemmas do
trace[Tactic.trans]"trying lemma {lem}"
liftMetaTactic fun g => do
let lemTy ← inferType (← mkConstWithLevelParams lem)
let arity ← withReducible <| forallTelescopeReducing lemTy fun es _ => pure es.size
let y ← (t'?.map (pure ·.1)).getD (mkFreshExprMVar ty)
let g₁ ← mkFreshExprMVar (some <| ← mkAppM' rel #[x, y]) .synthetic
let g₂ ← mkFreshExprMVar (some <| ← mkAppM' rel #[y, z]) .synthetic
g.assign (← mkAppOptM lem (mkArray (arity - 2) none ++ #[some g₁, some g₂]))
pure <| [g₁.mvarId!, g₂.mvarId!] ++
if let some (_, gs') := t'? then gs' else [y.mvarId!]
catch _ => s.restore
pure ()
catch _ =>
trace[Tactic.trans]"trying heterogeneous case"
let t'? ← t?.mapM (elabTermWithHoles · none (← getMainTag))
let s ← saveState
for lem in (← (transExt.getState (← getEnv)).getUnify rel transExt.config).push
``HEq.trans |>.push ``Trans.trans do
liftMetaTactic fun g => do
trace[Tactic.trans]"trying lemma {lem}"
let lemTy ← inferType (← mkConstWithLevelParams lem)
let arity ← withReducible <| forallTelescopeReducing lemTy fun es _ => pure es.size
trace[Tactic.trans]"arity: {arity}"
trace[Tactic.trans]"lemma-type: {lemTy}"
let y ← (t'?.map (pure ·.1)).getD (mkFreshExprMVar none)
trace[Tactic.trans]"obtained y: {y}"
trace[Tactic.trans]"rel: {indentExpr rel}"
trace[Tactic.trans]"x:{indentExpr x}"
trace[Tactic.trans]"z: {indentExpr z}"
let g₂ ← mkFreshExprMVar (some <| ← mkAppM' rel #[y, z]) .synthetic
trace[Tactic.trans]"obtained g₂: {g₂}"
let g₁ ← mkFreshExprMVar (some <| ← mkAppM' rel #[x, y]) .synthetic
trace[Tactic.trans]"obtained g₁: {g₁}"
g.assign (← mkAppOptM lem (mkArray (arity - 2) none ++ #[some g₁, some g₂]))
pure <| [g₁.mvarId!, g₂.mvarId!] ++ if let some (_, gs') := t'? then gs' else [y.mvarId!]
catch e =>
trace[Tactic.trans]"failed: {e.toMessageData}"
throwError m!"no applicable transitivity lemma found for {indentExpr tgt}"

/-- Synonym for `trans` tactic. -/
syntax "transitivity" (ppSpace colGt term)? : tactic
set_option hygiene false in
| `(tactic| transitivity) => `(tactic| trans)
| `(tactic| transitivity $e) => `(tactic| trans $e)

end Batteries.Tactic
107 changes: 107 additions & 0 deletions test/trans.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
import Batteries.Tactic.Trans

-- testing that the attribute is recognized and used
def nleq (a b : Nat) : Prop := a ≤ b

@[trans] def nleq_trans : nleq a b → nleq b c → nleq a c := Nat.le_trans

example (a b c : Nat) : nleq a b → nleq b c → nleq a c := by
intro h₁ h₂
trans b

example (a b c : Nat) : nleq a b → nleq b c → nleq a c := by intros; trans <;> assumption

-- using `Trans` typeclass
@[trans] def eq_trans {a b c : α} : a = b → b = c → a = c := by
intro h₁ h₂
apply Eq.trans h₁ h₂

example (a b c : Nat) : a = b → b = c → a = c := by intros; trans <;> assumption

example (a b c : Nat) : a = b → b = c → a = c := by
intro h₁ h₂
trans b

example : @Trans Nat Nat Nat (· ≤ ·) (· ≤ ·) (· ≤ ·) := inferInstance

example (a b c : Nat) : a ≤ b → b ≤ c → a ≤ c := by
intros h₁ h₂
trans ?b
case b => exact b
exact h₁
exact h₂

example (a b c : α) (R : α → α → Prop) [Trans R R R] : R a b → R b c → R a c := by
intros h₁ h₂
trans ?b
case b => exact b
exact h₁
exact h₂

example (a b c : Nat) : a ≤ b → b ≤ c → a ≤ c := by
intros h₁ h₂
exact h₁
exact h₂

example (a b c : Nat) : a ≤ b → b ≤ c → a ≤ c := by intros; trans <;> assumption

example (a b c : Nat) : a < b → b < c → a < c := by
intro h₁ h₂
trans b

example (a b c : Nat) : a < b → b < c → a < c := by intros; trans <;> assumption

example (x n p : Nat) (h₁ : n * Nat.succ p ≤ x) : n * p ≤ x := by
· apply Nat.mul_le_mul_left; apply Nat.le_succ
· apply h₁

example (a : α) (c : γ) : ∀ b : β, HEq a b → HEq b c → HEq a c := by
intro b h₁ h₂
trans b

def MyLE (n m : Nat) := ∃ k, n + k = m

@[trans] theorem MyLE.trans {n m k : Nat} (h1 : MyLE n m) (h2 : MyLE m k) : MyLE n k := by
cases h1
cases h2
exact ⟨_, Eq.symm <| Nat.add_assoc _ _ _⟩

example {n m k : Nat} (h1 : MyLE n m) (h2 : MyLE m k) : MyLE n k := by
trans <;> assumption

/-- `trans` for implications. -/
example {A B C : Prop} (h : A → B) (g : B → C) : A → C := by
trans B
· guard_target =ₛ A → B -- ensure we have `B` and not a free metavariable.
exact h
· guard_target =ₛ B → C
exact g

/-- `trans` for arrows between types. -/
example {A B C : Type} (h : A → B) (g : B → C) : A → C := by
· exact B
· exact h
· exact g

universe u v w

/-- `trans` for arrows between types. -/
example {A : Type u} {B : Type v} {C : Type w} (h : A → B) (g : B → C) : A → C := by
· exact B
· exact h
· exact g

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