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feat: Union and DArray types
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fgdorais committed May 27, 2024
1 parent 60d622c commit 7ad294c
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Showing 3 changed files with 152 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Batteries.lean
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Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import Batteries.Data.BitVec
import Batteries.Data.Bool
import Batteries.Data.ByteArray
import Batteries.Data.Char
import Batteries.Data.DArray
import Batteries.Data.DList
import Batteries.Data.Fin
import Batteries.Data.HashMap
Expand All @@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ import Batteries.Data.Rat
import Batteries.Data.String
import Batteries.Data.Sum
import Batteries.Data.UInt
import Batteries.Data.Union
import Batteries.Data.UnionFind
import Batteries.Lean.AttributeExtra
import Batteries.Lean.Delaborator
Expand Down
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions Batteries/Data/DArray.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 François G. Dorais. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: François G. Dorais

import Batteries.Data.Union

namespace Batteries

/-- `DArray` is a heterogenous array with element types given by `type`. -/
structure DArray (size : Nat) (type : Fin size → Type _) where
private mk_ ::
/-- Data of a `DArray` represented as `Union type`. -/
data : Array (Union type)
/-- Data array of `DArray` has correct size. -/
size_eq : data.size = size
/-- Data of `DArray` have correct types. -/
idx_eq (i : Fin size) : data[i].idx = i

namespace DArray

theorem type_eq {type : Fin size → Type _} {a : DArray size type} (i : Fin size)
(h : i < := a.size_eq.symm ▸ i.is_lt) :[i].type = type i := by
rw [Union.type, a.idx_eq]

/-- Constructs an `DArray` using `init` as inital values. -/
protected def mk (init : (i : Fin size) → type i) : DArray size type where
data := Array.ofFn fun i => ⟨init i⟩
size_eq := Array.size_ofFn ..
idx_eq _ := Array.getElem_ofFn .. ▸ rfl

/-- Gets the `DArray` item at index `i`. -/
protected def get (a : DArray size type) (i : Fin size) : type i :=
have : i < := a.size_eq.symm ▸ i.is_lt[i].castIdx (a.idx_eq i)

/-- Sets the `DArray` item at index `i`. -/
protected def set (a : DArray size type) (i : Fin size) (v : type i) :
DArray size type where
data := (i.cast a.size_eq.symm) ⟨v⟩
size_eq := (Array.size_set ..).symm ▸ a.size_eq
idx_eq j := by
if h : i = j then
simp [h]
have h : i.val ≠ j.val := mt Fin.eq_of_val_eq h
simp [h]
exact a.idx_eq ..

theorem data_getElem {type : Fin size → Type _} (a : DArray size type)
(i : Nat) (h : i < size) (h' : i < :[i] = ⟨a.get ⟨i, h⟩⟩ := by
· congr 1; exact a.idx_eq ⟨i, h⟩
· exact Union.castIdx_heq_val .. |>.symm

theorem data_inj {type : Fin size → Type _} :
{a b : DArray size type} → = → a = b
| {..}, {..}, rfl => rfl

protected theorem ext {type : Fin size → Type _} {a b : DArray size type}
(h : ∀ i, a.get i = b.get i) : a = b := by
apply data_inj
apply Array.ext
· rw [a.size_eq, b.size_eq]
· intro i hia hib
have hi : i < size := a.size_eq ▸ hia
rw [data_getElem a i hi, data_getElem b i hi]
· simp
· exact heq_of_eq <| h ..

theorem get_set {type : Fin size → Type _} (a : DArray size type) (i : Fin size) (v : type i) :
(a.set i v).get i = v := by
simp [DArray.get, DArray.set]
exact eq_of_heq <| Union.castIdx_heq_val ..

theorem get_set_ne {type : Fin size → Type _} (a : DArray size type) (v : type i) (h : i ≠ j) :
(a.set i v).get j = a.get j := by
simp [DArray.get, DArray.set]
congr 1
apply Array.getElem_set_ne
apply mt Fin.eq_of_val_eq h

theorem set_set {type : Fin size → Type _} (a : DArray size type) (i : Fin size)
(v w : type i) : (a.set i v).set i w = a.set i w := by
ext j
if h : i = j then
rw [← h, get_set, get_set]
rw [get_set_ne _ _ h, get_set_ne _ _ h, get_set_ne _ _ h]

theorem get_mk (i : Fin size) : DArray.get (.mk init) i = init i := by
simp [DArray.get,]
exact eq_of_heq <| Union.castIdx_heq_val ..

theorem set_mk {type : Fin size → Type _} {init} (i : Fin size) (v : type i) :
DArray.set (.mk init) i v = .mk fun j => if h : i = j then h ▸ v else init j := by
ext j
if h : i = j then
rw [← h, get_set, get_mk, dif_pos rfl]
rw [get_set_ne _ _ h, get_mk, get_mk, dif_neg h]
42 changes: 42 additions & 0 deletions Batteries/Data/Union.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 François G. Dorais. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: François G. Dorais

namespace Batteries

/-- `Union` captures a value of arbitrary type from the indexed family `type`. -/
structure Union {κ : Type _} (α : κ → Type _) where
/-- Type of the object. -/
{idx : κ}
/-- Value of the object. -/
val : α idx

namespace Union

protected theorem ext : {a b : Union type} → a.idx = b.idx → HEq a.val b.val → a = b
| {..}, {..}, rfl, .rfl => rfl

/-- Type of an `Union` object. -/
protected abbrev type (a : Union α) : Type _ := α a.idx

/-- Casts an `Union` object to a value of compatible type. -/
protected def cast : (a : Union α) → a.type = β → β
| {val := a}, rfl => a

/-- Casts an `Union` object to a value of compatible index. -/
protected def castIdx : (a : Union α) → a.idx = i → α i
| {val := a}, rfl => a

theorem mk_val (a : Union type) : ⟨a.val⟩ = a := rfl

theorem cast_heq_val : (a : Union α) → (h : a.type = β) → HEq (a.cast h) a.val
| {..}, rfl => .rfl

theorem castIdx_heq_val : (a : Union α) → (h : a.idx = i) → HEq (a.castIdx h) a.val
| {..}, rfl => .rfl

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