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kim-em committed Jul 31, 2024
2 parents d7fe791 + 7f3ebd5 commit e2772c2
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Showing 2 changed files with 5 additions and 112 deletions.
70 changes: 5 additions & 65 deletions Batteries/Data/List/EraseIdx.lean
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Expand Up @@ -17,75 +17,15 @@ namespace List
universe u v
variable {α : Type u} {β : Type v}

@[simp] theorem eraseIdx_zero (l : List α) : eraseIdx l 0 = tail l := by cases l <;> rfl

theorem eraseIdx_eq_take_drop_succ :
∀ (l : List α) (i : Nat), l.eraseIdx i = l.take i ++ l.drop (i + 1)
| nil, _ => by simp
| a::l, 0 => by simp
| a::l, i + 1 => by simp [eraseIdx_eq_take_drop_succ l i]

theorem eraseIdx_sublist : ∀ (l : List α) (k : Nat), eraseIdx l k <+ l
| [], _ => by simp
| a::l, 0 => by simp
| a::l, k + 1 => by simp [eraseIdx_sublist l k]

theorem eraseIdx_subset (l : List α) (k : Nat) : eraseIdx l k ⊆ l := (eraseIdx_sublist l k).subset

theorem eraseIdx_eq_self : ∀ {l : List α} {k : Nat}, eraseIdx l k = l ↔ length l ≤ k
| [], _ => by simp
| a::l, 0 => by simp [(cons_ne_self _ _).symm]
| a::l, k + 1 => by simp [eraseIdx_eq_self]

alias ⟨_, eraseIdx_of_length_le⟩ := eraseIdx_eq_self

theorem eraseIdx_append_of_lt_length {l : List α} {k : Nat} (hk : k < length l) (l' : List α) :
eraseIdx (l ++ l') k = eraseIdx l k ++ l' := by
rw [eraseIdx_eq_take_drop_succ, take_append_of_le_length, drop_append_of_le_length,
eraseIdx_eq_take_drop_succ, append_assoc]
all_goals omega

theorem eraseIdx_append_of_length_le {l : List α} {k : Nat} (hk : length l ≤ k) (l' : List α) :
eraseIdx (l ++ l') k = l ++ eraseIdx l' (k - length l) := by
rw [eraseIdx_eq_take_drop_succ, eraseIdx_eq_take_drop_succ,
take_append_eq_append_take, drop_append_eq_append_drop,
take_of_length_le hk, drop_eq_nil_of_le (by omega), nil_append, append_assoc]

protected theorem IsPrefix.eraseIdx {l l' : List α} (h : l <+: l') (k : Nat) :
eraseIdx l k <+: eraseIdx l' k := by
rcases h with ⟨t, rfl⟩
if hkl : k < length l then
simp [eraseIdx_append_of_lt_length hkl]
rw [Nat.not_lt] at hkl
simp [eraseIdx_append_of_length_le hkl, eraseIdx_of_length_le hkl]

theorem mem_eraseIdx_iff_getElem {x : α} :
∀ {l} {k}, x ∈ eraseIdx l k ↔ ∃ i : Fin l.length, ↑i ≠ k ∧ l[i.1] = x
| [], _ => by
simp only [eraseIdx, Fin.exists_iff, not_mem_nil, false_iff]
rintro ⟨i, h, -⟩
exact Nat.not_lt_zero _ h
| a::l, 0 => by simp [Fin.exists_fin_succ, mem_iff_get]
| a::l, k+1 => by
simp [Fin.exists_fin_succ, mem_eraseIdx_iff_getElem, @eq_comm _ a, k.succ_ne_zero.symm]

@[deprecated mem_eraseIdx_iff_getElem (since := "2024-06-12")]
theorem mem_eraseIdx_iff_get {x : α} {l} {k} :
x ∈ eraseIdx l k ↔ ∃ i : Fin l.length, ↑i ≠ k ∧ l.get i = x := by
simp [mem_eraseIdx_iff_getElem]

theorem mem_eraseIdx_iff_getElem? {x : α} {l} {k} : x ∈ eraseIdx l k ↔ ∃ i ≠ k, l[i]? = some x := by
simp only [mem_eraseIdx_iff_getElem, getElem_eq_iff, Fin.exists_iff, exists_and_left]
refine exists_congr fun i => and_congr_right' ?_
simp only [mem_eraseIdx_iff_getElem, ne_eq, exists_and_left, get_eq_getElem]
· rintro ⟨_, h⟩; exact h
· rintro h;
obtain ⟨h', -⟩ := getElem?_eq_some.1 h
exact ⟨h', h⟩
· rintro ⟨i, h, w, rfl⟩
exact ⟨⟨i, w⟩, h, rfl⟩
· rintro ⟨i, h, rfl⟩
exact ⟨i.1, h, i.2, rfl

@[deprecated mem_eraseIdx_iff_getElem? (since := "2024-06-12")]
theorem mem_eraseIdx_iff_get? {x : α} {l} {k} : x ∈ eraseIdx l k ↔ ∃ i ≠ k, l.get? i = x := by
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47 changes: 0 additions & 47 deletions Batteries/Data/List/Pairwise.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,53 +42,6 @@ theorem pairwise_of_reflexive_on_dupl_of_forall_ne [DecidableEq α] {l : List α
apply h <;> try (apply hab.subset; simp)
exact heq

/-- given a list `is` of monotonically increasing indices into `l`, getting each index
produces a sublist of `l`. -/
theorem map_get_sublist {l : List α} {is : List (Fin l.length)} (h : is.Pairwise (·.val < ·.val)) : (get l) <+ l := by
suffices ∀ n l', l' = l.drop n → (∀ i ∈ is, n ≤ i) → map (get l) is <+ l'
from this 0 l (by simp) (by simp)
intro n l' hl' his
induction is generalizing n l' with
| nil => simp
| cons hd tl IH =>
simp; cases hl'
have := IH h.of_cons (hd+1) _ rfl ( h).1
specialize his hd (.head _)
have := (drop_eq_getElem_cons ..).symm ▸ this.cons₂ (get l hd)
have := Sublist.append (nil_sublist (take hd l |>.drop n)) this
rwa [nil_append, ← (drop_append_of_le_length ?_), take_append_drop] at this
simp [Nat.min_eq_left (Nat.le_of_lt hd.isLt), his]

/-- given a sublist `l' <+ l`, there exists a list of indices `is` such that
`l' = map (get l) is`. -/
theorem sublist_eq_map_get (h : l' <+ l) : ∃ is : List (Fin l.length),
l' = map (get l) is ∧ is.Pairwise (· < ·) := by
induction h with
| slnil => exact ⟨[], by simp⟩
| cons _ _ IH =>
let ⟨is, IH⟩ := IH
refine ⟨ (·.succ), ?_⟩
simp [comp, pairwise_map]
exact IH
| cons₂ _ _ IH =>
rcases IH with ⟨is,IH⟩
refine ⟨⟨0, by simp [Nat.zero_lt_succ]⟩ :: (·.succ), ?_⟩
simp [comp_def, pairwise_map, IH, ← get_eq_getElem]

theorem pairwise_iff_getElem : Pairwise R l ↔
∀ (i j : Nat) (_hi : i < l.length) (_hj : j < l.length) (_hij : i < j), R l[i] l[j] := by
rw [pairwise_iff_forall_sublist]
constructor <;> intro h
· intros i j hi hj h'
apply h
simpa [h'] using map_get_sublist (is := [⟨i, hi⟩, ⟨j, hj⟩])
· intros a b h'
have ⟨is, h', hij⟩ := sublist_eq_map_get h'
rcases is with ⟨⟩ | ⟨a', ⟨⟩ | ⟨b', ⟨⟩⟩⟩ <;> simp at h'
rcases h' with ⟨rfl, rfl⟩
apply h; simpa using hij

theorem pairwise_iff_get : Pairwise R l ↔ ∀ (i j) (_hij : i < j), R (get l i) (get l j) := by
rw [pairwise_iff_getElem]
constructor <;> intro h
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