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feat: improved export command and namespace aliases
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This PR gives the `export` command the ability to create aliases to namespaces,
in addition to its current ability to create aliases to individual declarations.
It adds a number of `open`-like variations to the syntax.
* `export NS1 ... NSn` makes the current namespace be an alias for the provided namespaces.
* `export NS (def1 ... defn)` has the same meaning as before, but if any `NS.defi` is a namespace
  then the alias also serves as a namespace alias. For example, if one were to do
  namespace MyNS
  export _root_ (Nat)
  end MyNS
  then not only is `MyNS.Nat` available as an alias for `Nat`,
  but additionally `MyNS.Nat.succ` is now an alias for `Nat.succ`.
* `export NS hiding def1 ... defn` is like `export NS`, but the given names in `NS` do not get aliases.
* `export NS renaming def1 -> def1', ..., defn -> defn'` creates aliases for the given names `def1` through `defn`,
  but the aliases respectively use the names `def1'` through `defn'`.
  • Loading branch information
kmill committed Dec 15, 2024
1 parent a8a160b commit 6d51067
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Showing 8 changed files with 489 additions and 80 deletions.
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions src/Lean/Data/ExportDecl.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Copyright (c) 2024 Lean FRO, LLC. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kyle Miller
import Init.Meta

namespace Lean

Data for representing `export` commands.
inductive ExportDecl where
/-- The name `aDeclName` is an alias for the declaration `declName`. -/
| explicit (aDeclName : Name) (declName : Name)
/-- The namespace `ans` is an alias for the namespace `ns`,
except, if `e` is in `except`, `ans ++ e` is not an alias for `ns ++ e`.
Alias resolution is recursive. `ns` must be a registered namespace. -/
| namespace (ans ns : Name) (except : List Name)
deriving BEq

namespace ExportDecl

instance : ToString ExportDecl := ⟨fun decl =>
match decl with
| .explicit adecl decl => toString adecl ++ " → " ++ toString decl
| .namespace ans ns ex => toString ans ++ ".* → " ++ toString ns ++ ".*" ++ (if ex == [] then "" else " hiding " ++ toString ex)⟩

end ExportDecl

end Lean
57 changes: 45 additions & 12 deletions src/Lean/Elab/BuiltinCommand.lean
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Expand Up @@ -128,19 +128,52 @@ private partial def elabChoiceAux (cmds : Array Syntax) (i : Nat) : CommandElabM
| Except.ok env => setEnv env
| Except.error ex => throwError (ex.toMessageData (← getOptions))

@[builtin_command_elab «export»] def elabExport : CommandElab := fun stx => do
let `(export $ns ($ids*)) := stx | throwUnsupportedSyntax
let nss ← resolveNamespace ns
def elabExportDecl (stx : TSyntax ``Parser.Command.exportDecl) : CommandElabM Unit := do
let currNamespace ← getCurrNamespace
if nss == [currNamespace] then throwError "invalid 'export', self export"
let mut aliases := #[]
for idStx in ids do
let id := idStx.getId
let declName ← resolveNameUsingNamespaces nss idStx
if (← getInfoState).enabled then
addConstInfo idStx declName
aliases := aliases.push (currNamespace ++ id, declName)
modify fun s => { s with env := aliases.foldl (init := s.env) fun env p => addAlias env p.1 p.2 }
match stx with
| `(Parser.Command.exportDecl| $nss*) =>
for ns in nss do
let ns ← resolveUniqueNamespace ns
modifyEnv fun env => addNamespaceAlias env currNamespace ns []
| `(Parser.Command.exportDecl| $ns ($ids*)) =>
let nss ← resolveNamespace ns
let mut aliases := #[]
for idStx in ids do
let declName ← resolveNameUsingNamespaces nss idStx
if (← getInfoState).enabled then
addConstInfo idStx declName
let aDeclName := currNamespace ++ idStx.getId
if aDeclName == declName then
throwErrorAt idStx "invalid 'export', self export"
aliases := aliases.push (aDeclName, declName)
addAliases aliases
| `(Parser.Command.exportDecl| $ns hiding $ids*) =>
let ns ← resolveUniqueNamespace ns
for id in ids do
let declName ← resolveNameUsingNamespaces [ns] id
if (← getInfoState).enabled then
addConstInfo id declName
let except := (·.getId) |>.toList
modifyEnv fun env => addNamespaceAlias env currNamespace ns except
| `(Parser.Command.exportDecl| $ns renaming $[$froms -> $tos],*) =>
let ns ← resolveUniqueNamespace ns
let mut aliases := #[]
for «from» in froms, to in tos do
let declName ← resolveNameUsingNamespaces [ns] «from»
if (← getInfoState).enabled then
addConstInfo «from» declName
addConstInfo to declName
let aDeclName := currNamespace ++ to.getId
aliases := aliases.push (aDeclName, declName)
addAliases aliases
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
addAliases (aliases : Array (Name × Name)) : CommandElabM Unit :=
modifyEnv fun env => aliases.foldl (init := env) fun env p => addAlias env p.1 p.2

@[builtin_command_elab «export»] def elabExport : CommandElab := fun stx => do
let decl : TSyntax ``Parser.Command.exportDecl := ⟨stx[1]⟩
elabExportDecl decl

@[builtin_command_elab «open»] def elabOpen : CommandElab
| `(open $decl:openDecl) => do
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42 changes: 37 additions & 5 deletions src/Lean/Parser/Command.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -539,12 +539,44 @@ def eraseAttr := leading_parser
"attribute " >> "[" >>
withoutPosition (sepBy1 (eraseAttr <|> Term.attrInstance) ", ") >>
"]" >> many1 (ppSpace >> ident)
/-- Adds names from other namespaces to the current namespace.
def exportHiding := leading_parser
ppSpace >> atomic (ident >> " hiding") >> many1 (ppSpace >> checkColGt >> ident)
def exportRenamingItem := leading_parser
ident >> unicodeSymbol " → " " -> " >> checkColGt >> ident
def exportRenaming := leading_parser
ppSpace >> atomic (ident >> " renaming ") >> sepBy1 exportRenamingItem ", "
def exportOnly := leading_parser
ppSpace >> atomic (ident >> " (") >> many1 ident >> ")"
def exportNamespace := leading_parser
many1 (ppSpace >> checkColGt >> ident)
/-- `exportDecl` is the body of an `export` declaration (see `export`) -/
@[builtin_doc] def exportDecl :=
withAntiquot (mkAntiquot "exportDecl" `Lean.Parser.Command.exportDecl (isPseudoKind := true)) <|
exportHiding <|> exportRenaming <|> exportOnly <|> exportNamespace
Adds aliases into the current namespaces for names from other namespaces.
There are two kinds of aliases:
* Name aliases make a name `aDecl` refer to another name `dDecl`.
* Namespace aliases make all names in a namespace `ans` refer to names in another namespace `ns`.
The `export` command be used in a few different ways:
* `export NS₁ … NSₙ` makes the current namespace be an alias for the namespaces `NS₁`, …, `NSₙ`.
If the current namespace is `A` and `NSᵢ.x` exists, then this causes `A.x` to be an alias for `NSᵢ.x`.
* `export NS hiding def₁ … defₙ` makes the current namespace be an alias for the namespace `NS`
like in `export NS`, but none of the `NS.defᵢ` names are aliased.
* `export NS (def₁ … defₙ)` creates aliases for the names `NS.def₁`, …, `NS.defₙ` in the current namespace.
If the current namespace is `A`, then `A.defᵢ` refers to whatever `NS.defᵢ` resolves to.
The command `export Some.Namespace (name₁ name₂)` makes `name₁` and `name₂`:
* `export NS renaming def₁ → def₁', …, defₙ → defₙ'` is like `export NS (def₁ … defₙ)` but it enables
naming the aliases; `A.defᵢ'` refers to whatever `NS.defᵢ` resolves to.
- visible in the current namespace without prefix `Some.Namespace`, like `open`, and
- visible from outside the current namespace `N` as `N.name₁` and `N.name₂`.
Aliases make names visible in the current namespace without a prefix (like `open`).
The only rule for `protected` declarations is that when resolving an atomic identifier,
only non-`protected` declarations are considered.
## Examples
Expand All @@ -564,7 +596,7 @@ end Evening.Sky
@[builtin_command_parser] def «export» := leading_parser
"export " >> ident >> " (" >> many1 ident >> ")"
withPosition ("export " >> exportDecl)
@[builtin_command_parser] def «import» := leading_parser
"import" -- not a real command, only for error messages
def openHiding := leading_parser
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