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kim-em authored Nov 6, 2024
1 parent a542261 commit b1dee4a
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Showing 5 changed files with 296 additions and 8 deletions.
23 changes: 16 additions & 7 deletions src/Init/Data/List/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ The operations are organized as follow:
* Sublists: `take`, `drop`, `takeWhile`, `dropWhile`, `partition`, `dropLast`,
`isPrefixOf`, `isPrefixOf?`, `isSuffixOf`, `isSuffixOf?`, `Subset`, `Sublist`,
`rotateLeft` and `rotateRight`.
* Manipulating elements: `replace`, `insert`, `modify`, `erase`, `eraseP`, `eraseIdx`.
* Manipulating elements: `replace`, `modify`, `insert`, `insertIdx`, `erase`, `eraseP`, `eraseIdx`.
* Finding elements: `find?`, `findSome?`, `findIdx`, `indexOf`, `findIdx?`, `indexOf?`,
`countP`, `count`, and `lookup`.
* Logic: `any`, `all`, `or`, and `and`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1113,12 +1113,6 @@ theorem replace_cons [BEq α] {a : α} :
(a::as).replace b c = match b == a with | true => c::as | false => a :: replace as b c :=

/-! ### insert -/

/-- Inserts an element into a list without duplication. -/
@[inline] protected def insert [BEq α] (a : α) (l : List α) : List α :=
if l.elem a then l else a :: l

/-! ### modify -/

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1148,6 +1142,21 @@ Apply `f` to the nth element of the list, if it exists, replacing that element w
def modify (f : α → α) : Nat → List α → List α :=
modifyTailIdx (modifyHead f)

/-! ### insert -/

/-- Inserts an element into a list without duplication. -/
@[inline] protected def insert [BEq α] (a : α) (l : List α) : List α :=
if l.elem a then l else a :: l

`insertIdx n a l` inserts `a` into the list `l` after the first `n` elements of `l`
insertIdx 2 1 [1, 2, 3, 4] = [1, 2, 1, 3, 4]
def insertIdx (n : Nat) (a : α) : List α → List α :=
modifyTailIdx (cons a) n

/-! ### erase -/

Expand Down
19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion src/Init/Data/List/Impl.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ The following operations were already given `@[csimp]` replacements in `Init/Dat
The following operations are given `@[csimp]` replacements below:
`set`, `filterMap`, `foldr`, `append`, `bind`, `join`,
`take`, `takeWhile`, `dropLast`, `replace`, `modify`, `erase`, `eraseIdx`, `zipWith`,
`take`, `takeWhile`, `dropLast`, `replace`, `modify`, `insertIdx`, `erase`, `eraseIdx`, `zipWith`,
`enumFrom`, and `intercalate`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,6 +215,23 @@ theorem modifyTR_go_eq : ∀ l n, modifyTR.go f l n acc = acc.toList ++ modify f
@[csimp] theorem modify_eq_modifyTR : @modify = @modifyTR := by
funext α f n l; simp [modifyTR, modifyTR_go_eq]

/-! ### insertIdx -/

/-- Tail-recursive version of `insertIdx`. -/
@[inline] def insertIdxTR (n : Nat) (a : α) (l : List α) : List α := go n l #[] where
/-- Auxiliary for `insertIdxTR`: `insertIdxTR.go a n l acc = acc.toList ++ insertIdx n a l`. -/
go : Nat → List α → Array α → List α
| 0, l, acc => acc.toListAppend (a :: l)
| _, [], acc => acc.toList
| n+1, a :: l, acc => go n l (acc.push a)

theorem insertIdxTR_go_eq : ∀ n l, insertIdxTR.go a n l acc = acc.toList ++ insertIdx n a l
| 0, l | _+1, [] => by simp [insertIdxTR.go, insertIdx]
| n+1, a :: l => by simp [insertIdxTR.go, insertIdx, insertIdxTR_go_eq n l]

@[csimp] theorem insertIdx_eq_insertIdxTR : @insertIdx = @insertIdxTR := by
funext α f n l; simp [insertIdxTR, insertIdxTR_go_eq]

/-! ### erase -/

/-- Tail recursive version of `List.erase`. -/
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/List/Nat.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ import Init.Data.List.Nat.Erase
import Init.Data.List.Nat.Find
import Init.Data.List.Nat.BEq
import Init.Data.List.Nat.Modify
import Init.Data.List.Nat.InsertIdx
242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/List/Nat/InsertIdx.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
Copyright (c) 2014 Parikshit Khanna. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Parikshit Khanna, Jeremy Avigad, Leonardo de Moura, Floris van Doorn, Mario Carneiro
import Init.Data.List.Nat.Modify

# insertIdx
Proves various lemmas about `List.insertIdx`.

open Function

open Nat

namespace List

universe u

variable {α : Type u}

section InsertIdx

variable {a : α}

theorem insertIdx_zero (s : List α) (x : α) : insertIdx 0 x s = x :: s :=

theorem insertIdx_succ_nil (n : Nat) (a : α) : insertIdx (n + 1) a [] = [] :=

theorem insertIdx_succ_cons (s : List α) (hd x : α) (n : Nat) :
insertIdx (n + 1) x (hd :: s) = hd :: insertIdx n x s :=

theorem length_insertIdx : ∀ n as, (insertIdx n a as).length = if n ≤ as.length then as.length + 1 else as.length
| 0, _ => by simp
| n + 1, [] => by simp
| n + 1, a :: as => by
simp only [insertIdx_succ_cons, length_cons, length_insertIdx, Nat.add_le_add_iff_right]
split <;> rfl

theorem length_insertIdx_of_le_length (h : n ≤ length as) : length (insertIdx n a as) = length as + 1 := by
simp [length_insertIdx, h]

theorem length_insertIdx_of_length_lt (h : length as < n) : length (insertIdx n a as) = length as := by
simp [length_insertIdx, h]

theorem eraseIdx_insertIdx (n : Nat) (l : List α) : (l.insertIdx n a).eraseIdx n = l := by
rw [eraseIdx_eq_modifyTailIdx, insertIdx, modifyTailIdx_modifyTailIdx_eq]
exact modifyTailIdx_id _ _

theorem insertIdx_eraseIdx_of_ge :
∀ n m as,
n < length as → n ≤ m → insertIdx m a (as.eraseIdx n) = (as.insertIdx (m + 1) a).eraseIdx n
| 0, 0, [], has, _ => (Nat.lt_irrefl _ has).elim
| 0, 0, _ :: as, _, _ => by simp [eraseIdx, insertIdx]
| 0, _ + 1, _ :: _, _, _ => rfl
| n + 1, m + 1, a :: as, has, hmn =>
congrArg (cons a) <|
insertIdx_eraseIdx_of_ge n m as (Nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ has) (Nat.le_of_succ_le_succ hmn)

theorem insertIdx_eraseIdx_of_le :
∀ n m as,
n < length as → m ≤ n → insertIdx m a (as.eraseIdx n) = (as.insertIdx m a).eraseIdx (n + 1)
| _, 0, _ :: _, _, _ => rfl
| n + 1, m + 1, a :: as, has, hmn =>
congrArg (cons a) <|
insertIdx_eraseIdx_of_le n m as (Nat.lt_of_succ_lt_succ has) (Nat.le_of_succ_le_succ hmn)

theorem insertIdx_comm (a b : α) :
∀ (i j : Nat) (l : List α) (_ : i ≤ j) (_ : j ≤ length l),
(l.insertIdx i a).insertIdx (j + 1) b = (l.insertIdx j b).insertIdx i a
| 0, j, l => by simp [insertIdx]
| _ + 1, 0, _ => fun h => (Nat.not_lt_zero _ h).elim
| i + 1, j + 1, [] => by simp
| i + 1, j + 1, c :: l => fun h₀ h₁ => by
simp only [insertIdx_succ_cons, cons.injEq, true_and]
exact insertIdx_comm a b i j l (Nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h₀) (Nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h₁)

theorem mem_insertIdx {a b : α} :
∀ {n : Nat} {l : List α} (_ : n ≤ l.length), a ∈ l.insertIdx n b ↔ a = b ∨ a ∈ l
| 0, as, _ => by simp
| _ + 1, [], h => (Nat.not_succ_le_zero _ h).elim
| n + 1, a' :: as, h => by
rw [List.insertIdx_succ_cons, mem_cons, mem_insertIdx (Nat.le_of_succ_le_succ h),
← or_assoc, @or_comm (a = a'), or_assoc, mem_cons]

theorem insertIdx_of_length_lt (l : List α) (x : α) (n : Nat) (h : l.length < n) :
insertIdx n x l = l := by
induction l generalizing n with
| nil =>
cases n
· simp at h
· simp
| cons x l ih =>
cases n
· simp at h
· simp only [Nat.succ_lt_succ_iff, length] at h
simpa using ih _ h

theorem insertIdx_length_self (l : List α) (x : α) : insertIdx l.length x l = l ++ [x] := by
induction l with
| nil => simp
| cons x l ih => simpa using ih

theorem length_le_length_insertIdx (l : List α) (x : α) (n : Nat) :
l.length ≤ (insertIdx n x l).length := by
simp only [length_insertIdx]
split <;> simp

theorem length_insertIdx_le_succ (l : List α) (x : α) (n : Nat) :
(insertIdx n x l).length ≤ l.length + 1 := by
simp only [length_insertIdx]
split <;> simp

theorem getElem_insertIdx_of_lt {l : List α} {x : α} {n k : Nat} (hn : k < n)
(hk : k < (insertIdx n x l).length) :
(insertIdx n x l)[k] = l[k]'(by simp [length_insertIdx] at hk; split at hk <;> omega) := by
induction n generalizing k l with
| zero => simp at hn
| succ n ih =>
cases l with
| nil => simp
| cons _ _=>
cases k
· simp [get]
· rw [Nat.succ_lt_succ_iff] at hn
simpa using ih hn _

theorem getElem_insertIdx_self {l : List α} {x : α} {n : Nat} (hn : n < (insertIdx n x l).length) :
(insertIdx n x l)[n] = x := by
induction l generalizing n with
| nil =>
simp [length_insertIdx] at hn
split at hn
· simp_all
· omega
| cons _ _ ih =>
cases n
· simp
· simp only [insertIdx_succ_cons, length_cons, length_insertIdx, Nat.add_lt_add_iff_right] at hn ih
simpa using ih hn

theorem getElem_insertIdx_of_ge {l : List α} {x : α} {n k : Nat} (hn : n + 1 ≤ k)
(hk : k < (insertIdx n x l).length) :
(insertIdx n x l)[k] = l[k - 1]'(by simp [length_insertIdx] at hk; split at hk <;> omega) := by
induction l generalizing n k with
| nil =>
cases n with
| zero =>
simp only [insertIdx_zero, length_singleton, lt_one_iff] at hk
| succ n => simp at hk
| cons _ _ ih =>
cases n with
| zero =>
simp only [insertIdx_zero] at hk
cases k with
| zero => omega
| succ k => simp
| succ n =>
cases k with
| zero => simp
| succ k =>
simp only [insertIdx_succ_cons, getElem_cons_succ]
rw [ih (by omega)]
cases k with
| zero => omega
| succ k => simp

theorem getElem_insertIdx {l : List α} {x : α} {n k : Nat} (h : k < (insertIdx n x l).length) :
(insertIdx n x l)[k] =
if h₁ : k < n then
l[k]'(by simp [length_insertIdx] at h; split at h <;> omega)
if h₂ : k = n then
l[k-1]'(by simp [length_insertIdx] at h; split at h <;> omega) := by
split <;> rename_i h₁
· rw [getElem_insertIdx_of_lt h₁]
· split <;> rename_i h₂
· subst h₂
rw [getElem_insertIdx_self h]
· rw [getElem_insertIdx_of_ge (by omega)]

theorem getElem?_insertIdx {l : List α} {x : α} {n k : Nat} :
(insertIdx n x l)[k]? =
if k < n then
if k = n then
if k ≤ l.length then some x else none
l[k-1]? := by
rw [getElem?_def]
split <;> rename_i h
· rw [getElem_insertIdx h]
simp only [length_insertIdx] at h
split <;> rename_i h₁
· rw [getElem?_def, dif_pos]
· split <;> rename_i h₂
· rw [if_pos]
split at h <;> omega
· rw [getElem?_def]
simp only [Option.some_eq_dite_none_right, exists_prop, and_true]
split at h <;> omega
· simp only [length_insertIdx] at h
split <;> rename_i h₁
· rw [getElem?_eq_none]
split at h <;> omega
· split <;> rename_i h₂
· rw [if_neg]
split at h <;> omega
· rw [getElem?_eq_none]
split at h <;> omega

theorem getElem?_insertIdx_of_lt {l : List α} {x : α} {n k : Nat} (h : k < n) :
(insertIdx n x l)[k]? = l[k]? := by
rw [getElem?_insertIdx, if_pos h]

theorem getElem?_insertIdx_self {l : List α} {x : α} {n : Nat} :
(insertIdx n x l)[n]? = if n ≤ l.length then some x else none := by
rw [getElem?_insertIdx, if_neg (by omega)]

theorem getElem?_insertIdx_of_ge {l : List α} {x : α} {n k : Nat} (h : n + 1 ≤ k) :
(insertIdx n x l)[k]? = l[k - 1]? := by
rw [getElem?_insertIdx, if_neg (by omega), if_neg (by omega)]

end InsertIdx

end List
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/Init/Data/List/Nat/Modify.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -110,6 +110,25 @@ theorem exists_of_modifyTailIdx (f : List α → List α) {n} {l : List α} (h :
⟨_, _, (take_append_drop n l).symm, length_take_of_le h⟩
⟨_, _, eq, hl, hl ▸ eq ▸ modifyTailIdx_add (n := 0) ..⟩

theorem modifyTailIdx_modifyTailIdx {f g : List α → List α} (m : Nat) :
∀ (n) (l : List α),
(l.modifyTailIdx f n).modifyTailIdx g (m + n) =
l.modifyTailIdx (fun l => (f l).modifyTailIdx g m) n
| 0, _ => rfl
| _ + 1, [] => rfl
| n + 1, a :: l => congrArg (List.cons a) (modifyTailIdx_modifyTailIdx m n l)

theorem modifyTailIdx_modifyTailIdx_le {f g : List α → List α} (m n : Nat) (l : List α)
(h : n ≤ m) :
(l.modifyTailIdx f n).modifyTailIdx g m =
l.modifyTailIdx (fun l => (f l).modifyTailIdx g (m - n)) n := by
rcases Nat.exists_eq_add_of_le h with ⟨m, rfl⟩
rw [Nat.add_comm, modifyTailIdx_modifyTailIdx, Nat.add_sub_cancel]

theorem modifyTailIdx_modifyTailIdx_eq {f g : List α → List α} (n : Nat) (l : List α) :
(l.modifyTailIdx f n).modifyTailIdx g n = l.modifyTailIdx (g ∘ f) n := by
rw [modifyTailIdx_modifyTailIdx_le n n l (Nat.le_refl n), Nat.sub_self]; rfl

/-! ### modify -/

@[simp] theorem modify_nil (f : α → α) (n) : [].modify f n = [] := by cases n <;> rfl
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