Welcome to the Badkids Shop repository! This project is an open-source initiative designed to create a seamless, Shopify-like experience for NFT transactions in the Cosmos ecosystem. It is tailored for both newcomers and veterans, simplifying the process of exploring and purchasing NFTs from any Stargaze NFT collection.
Check out our sample website for the BadKids collection here: https://badkids.shop/
Key features include:
- NFT Listings: Displaying NFTs with images, IDs, and current prices. This includes a redirection to the NFT page on Stargaze’s marketplace, and offers flexible sorting options.
- Wallet Connectivity: Integrating multiple methods for secure transactions:
- Connect and sign a transaction using MetaMask (utilizes Leap’s MetaMask Snaps).
- Log in with email and sign transactions (utilizes Leap’s Social login SDK).
- Connect with Leap or Keplr.

- Get STARS Feature: Simplifies the process of acquiring the required STARS tokens using assets from other Cosmos chains, EVM chains, or fiat, without having to navigate between different interfaces. This feature is powered by Leap’s Elements SDK.
- Follow on 'X' Button: Redirects users to your collection’s social media pages.
Our repository is structured to enable easy customization and deployment for your NFT projects.
List any software or tools that need to be installed before running the project.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/leapwallet/bad-kids-shop.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd bad-kids-shop
Install dependencies:
npm install # or yarn
Optional environament variables
NEXT_PUBLIC_NODE_REST_ENDPOINT= // get from https://chains.cosmos.directory/stargaze
NEXT_PUBLIC_NODE_RPC_ENDPOINT= // get from https://chains.cosmos.directory/stargaze
NEXT_PUBLIC_STARGAZE_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT= // https://graphql.mainnet.stargaze-apis.com/graphql
NEXT_PUBLIC_STARGAZE_MARKET_CONTRACT= //stars1fvhcnyddukcqfnt7nlwv3thm5we22lyxyxylr9h77cvgkcn43xfsvgv0pl
NEXT_PUBLIC_BAD_KIDS_COLLECTION_ID= //stars19jq6mj84cnt9p7sagjxqf8hxtczwc8wlpuwe4sh62w45aheseues57n420
Mandatory environment variables for Social login support, connect with capsule
Mandatory environment variable for wallet connect
Create a
## Usage
Explain how to run the project locally and any additional steps needed.
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
This will start the development server, and you can view the app at http://localhost:3000
in your browser.
Explain how others can contribute to your project. Include information about pull requests, issue reporting, coding standards, etc.
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature:
git checkout -b feature-name
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin feature-name
- Open a pull request.
This project is licensed under MIT - see the LICENSE.MIT file for details.