NodeJS driver for the Instagram API. In production at aggregating more than 200 data points per seconds
npm install instagram-node
- First of all, you need to authentify. You can use
from the app you are building, or anaccess_token
from a user that use your app. - Some features need an access_token to work
var ig = require('instagram-node').instagram();
// Every call to `ig.use()` overrides the `client_id/client_secret`
// or `access_token` previously entered if they exist.
ig.use({ access_token: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' });
ig.use({ client_id: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
client_secret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET' });
- If you activated "Signed Requests", you need to sign requests that need the write access (relationship, likes, comments, ...) with:'/like/:media_id', function(req, res, next) {
var ig = require('instagram-node').instagram({});
ig.use({ access_token: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN' });
ig.add_like(req.param('media_id'), {
sign_request: {
client_secret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',
// Then you can specify the request:
client_req: req
// or the IP on your own:
}, function(err) {
// handle err here
return res.send('OK');
Instagram uses the standard oauth authentication flow in order to allow apps to act on
a user's behalf. Therefore, the API provides two convenience methods to help
you authenticate your users. The first, get_authorization_url
, can be used
to redirect an unauthenticated user to the instagram login screen based on a
string and an optional options
object containing
an optional scope
array and an optional state
string. The
second method, authorize_user
, can be used to retrieve and set an access token
for a user, allowing your app to act fully on his/her behalf. This method takes
three parameters: a response_code
which is sent as a GET parameter once a
user has authorized your app and instagram has redirected them back to your
authorization redirect URI, a redirect_uri
which is the same one
supplied to get_authorization_url
, and a callback that takes
two parameters err
and result
. err
will be populated if and
only if the request to authenticate the user has failed for some reason.
Otherwise, it will be null
and response
will be populated with a
JSON object representing Instagram's confirmation reponse that the user is
indeed authorized. See instagram's authentication
documentation for more information.
Below is an example of how one might authenticate a user within an ExpressJS app.
var express = require('express');
var api = require('instagram-node').instagram();
var app = express();
app.configure(function() {
// The usual...
client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID,
client_secret: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET
var redirect_uri = '';
exports.authorize_user = function(req, res) {
res.redirect(api.get_authorization_url(redirect_uri, { scope: ['likes'], state: 'a state'Â }));
exports.handleauth = function(req, res) {
api.authorize_user(req.query.code, redirect_uri, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
res.send("Didn't work");
} else {
console.log('Yay! Access token is ' + result.access_token);
res.send('You made it!!');
// This is where you would initially send users to authorize
app.get('/authorize_user', exports.authorize_user);
// This is your redirect URI
app.get('/handleauth', exports.handleauth);
http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function(){
console.log("Express server listening on port " + app.get('port'));
###Using the API
Once you've setup the API and/or authenticated, here is the full list of what you can do:
/* USERS */
ig.user('user_id', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});
/* OPTIONS: { [count], [min_id], [max_id] }; */
ig.user_self_feed([options,] function(err, medias, pagination, remaining, limit) {});
/* OPTIONS: { [count], [min_timestamp], [max_timestamp], [min_id], [max_id] }; */
ig.user_media_recent('user_id', [options,] function(err, medias, pagination, remaining, limit) {});
/* OPTIONS: { [count], [min_timestamp], [max_timestamp], [min_id], [max_id] }; */
ig.user_self_media_recent([options,] function(err, medias, pagination, remaining, limit) {});
/* OPTIONS: { [count], [max_like_id] }; */
ig.user_self_liked([options,] function(err, medias, pagination, remaining, limit) {});
/* OPTIONS: { [count] }; */
ig.user_search('username', [options,] function(err, users, remaining, limit) {});
/* OPTIONS: { [count], [cursor] }; */
ig.user_follows('user_id', function(err, users, pagination, remaining, limit) {});
/* OPTIONS: { [count], [cursor] }; */
ig.user_followers('user_id', function(err, users, pagination, remaining, limit) {});
ig.user_self_requested_by(function(err, users, remaining, limit) {});
ig.user_relationship('user_id', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});
ig.set_user_relationship('user_id', 'follow', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});
/* MEDIAS */
/********************************/'media_id', function(err, media, remaining, limit) {});
/* OPTIONS: { [min_timestamp], [max_timestamp], [distance] }; */
ig.media_search(48.4335645654, 2.345645645, [options,] function(err, medias, remaining, limit) {});
ig.media_popular(function(err, medias, remaining, limit) {});
ig.comments('media_id', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});
ig.add_comment('media_id', 'your comment', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});
ig.del_comment('media_id', 'comment_id', function(err, remaining, limit) {});
/* LIKES */
ig.likes('media_id', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});
ig.add_like('media_id', function(err, remaining, limit) {});
ig.del_like('media_id', function(err, remaining, limit) {});
/* TAGS */
ig.tag('tag', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});
/* OPTIONS: { [min_tag_id], [max_tag_id] }; */
ig.tag_media_recent('tag', [options,] function(err, medias, pagination, remaining, limit) {});
ig.tag_search('query', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});
ig.location('location_id', function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});
/* OPTIONS: { [min_id], [max_id], [min_timestamp], [max_timestamp] }; */
ig.location_media_recent('location_id', [options,] function(err, result, pagination, remaining, limit) {});
/* SPECS: { lat, lng, [foursquare_v2_id], [foursquare_id] }; */
/* OPTIONS: { [distance] }; */
ig.location_search({ lat: 48.565464564, lng: 2.34656589 }, [options,] function(err, result, remaining, limit) {});
/* OPTIONS: { [min_id], [count] } */
ig.geography_media_recent(geography_id, [options,] function(err, result, pagination, remaining, limit) {});
ig.subscriptions(function(err, result, remaining, limit){});
ig.del_subscription({id:1}, function(err,subscriptions,limit){})
/* OPTIONS: { [verify_token] } */
ig.add_tag_subscription('funny', 'http://MYHOST/tag/funny', [options,] function(err, result, remaining, limit){});
/* OPTIONS: { [verify_token] } */
ig.add_geography_subscription(48.565464564, 2.34656589, 100, 'http://MYHOST/geography', [options,] function(err, result, remaining, limit){});
/* OPTIONS: { [verify_token] } */
ig.add_user_subscription('http://MYHOST/user', [options,] function(err, result, remaining, limit){});
/* OPTIONS: { [verify_token] } */
ig.add_location_subscription(1257285, 'http://MYHOST/location/1257285', [options,] function(err, result, remaining, limit){});
Subscriptions are callbacks from Instagram to your app when new things happen. They should be web-accessable, and return req.query['hub.challenge']
on GET. Read more here. After you subscribe, Instagram will calllback your web URL whenever a new post, user action, etc happens.
You can get your subscriptions with this:
ig.subscriptions(function(err, subscriptions, remaining, limit){
You can delete all your subscriptions with this:
ig.del_subscription({ all: true }, function(err, subscriptions, remaining, limit){});
or just one with this:
ig.del_subscription({ id: 1 }, function(err, subscriptions, remaining, limit){});
When errors occur, you receive an error object with default properties, but we also add some other things:
// Available when the error comes from Instagram API
err.code; // code from Instagram
err.error_type; // error type from Instagram
err.error_message; // error message from Instagram
// If the error occurs while requesting the API
err.status_code; // the response status code
err.body; // the received body
err.retry(); // Lets you retry in the same conditions that before
When you use functions like user_media_recent
or tag_media_recent
, you will get a pagination
object in your callback. This object
is basically the same that Instagram would give you but there will be a next()
function that let you retrieve next results without caring about anything.
var ig = require('instagram-node').instagram();
var hdl = function(err, result, pagination, remaining, limit) {
// Your implementation here
if( {; // Will get second page results
ig.tag_media_recent('test', hdl);
Put the following in your environment:
Then just use
make test
- You can find more informations on the Instagram developper website.
- If you have any questions or remark, feel free to contact us at
Distributed under the MIT License.