- Toronto
- leartgjoni.com
📡 Simple WebRTC video, voice, and data channels
Chat in Java Spring with Websockets and Redis
A simple and composable way to validate data in JavaScript (and TypeScript).
Node.js app made with Express and Bootstrap that uses Darksky and Mapbox
Node.js app made with Express and Semantic Ui that uses TraderMade and Coinmarketcap to get latest exchange rates
Chat build in React Typescript with a Golang backend
Kubernetes infrastructure with Helm and Terraform for chat webapp built in Golang and React
A fully functional e-commerce entirely made with React, Redux and Stripe
Compare Products App with React and Redux
Free and open source laravel eCommerce platform
React draggable component
Tensorflow.js webcam object detection in React
A Material-UI file upload dropzone
WebRTC-React App for Video Calling
My final course project for CSCI 8360 Data Science Practicum course. This project focuses on gender and age classification based on images using convolutional neural networks.
Node.JS (Express) Admin Panel + REST API with MongoDB for AnimalAPP
Laravel Package to resize images on the fly with cache functionalities
Laravel Project to illustrate role based routes' permissions
Laravel Project with integrated components in React
Real Time Chat with Laravel, Node.js, Redis and Socket.io
Restaurant Finder App in Node.js using MongoDB GeoNear