Swc plugin implementation of react-refresh/babel
A plugin for developing bundlers
This plugin is experimental.
- Explore React components in module
- Function expressions
- Arrow function expressions
- Class declarations
- Import statements(default, named)
- Export statements(default, named, named with declare)
- Get component name from AST
- Parse hook calls from AST
- Parse HoC(High Order Component) expressions(
, and Custom HoC)- Wrapped components
- Original components
Generate signature key based on the order of hook call expressionsUsemoduleId
options instead
Requirements: >= @swc/core@1.3.81
npm install swc-plugin-react-refresh
# or yarn
yarn add swc-plugin-react-refresh
Add plugin to your swc options.
import { transform } from '@swc/core';
await transform(code, {
jsc: {
experimental: {
plugins: [
// Add plugin here
['swc-plugin-react-refresh', {
* moduleId: string;
* Module id (eg. generated id by bundler)
moduleId: "",
* skipEnvCheck?: boolean;
* Plugin available on only development environment.
* If you want to use plugin in production, set `skipEnvCheck` to `true`.
skipEnvCheck: true,
Finally, inject runtime code at the top of bundled source.
Runtime Code
const RefreshRuntime = require('react-refresh/runtime');
const ModuleMap = typeof WeakMap === 'function' ? WeakMap : Map;
const modules = new ModuleMap();
const isReactRefreshBoundary = (type) => {
return RefreshRuntime.isLikelyComponentType(type) && !type.prototype.isReactComponent;
const createHmrContext = (type) => {
if (!isReactRefreshBoundary(type)) {
return {
accept: () => undefined,
dispose: () => undefined,
const state = {
timeout: null,
accepted: false,
disposed: false,
const hot = {
accept: () => {
if (state.disposed) {
throw new Error('HMR module was disposed');
if (state.accepted) {
throw new Error('HMR already accepted');
state.accepted = true;
state.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
state.timeout = null;
}, 50);
dispose: () => {
state.disposed = true;
if (modules.has(type)) {
modules.set(type) = hot;
return hot;
// `global` is platform dependent.
global.$RefreshReg$ = () => {};
global.$RefreshSig$ = () => (type) => type;
global.$RefreshRuntime$ = {
getRegisterFunction: () => {
return (type, id) => {
if (!isReactRefreshBoundary(type)) return;
RefreshRuntime.register(type, id);
getCreateSignatureFunction: () => {
return () => {
const signature = RefreshRuntime.createSignatureFunctionForTransform();
return (type, id, forceReset, getCustomHooks) => {
if (!isReactRefreshBoundary(type)) return;
signature(type, id, forceReset, getCustomHooks);
getContext: (type) => createHmrContext(type),
cargo build
# release build
yarn build # target: wasm32-wasi
# or
cargo build-wasi --release # target: wasm32-wasi
cargo build-wasm32 --release # target: wasm32-unknown-unknown
# run unit tests
cargo test
# run on @swc/core
yarn demo