Felix Lee is an application for managing all aspects of selling and servicing cars at your dealership. You can track your salespeople, customers, types of cars in inventory, technicians, service appointments, and much more! From when a car arrives in inventory to the actual sale, fine tune your database of cars, personnel, and appointments.
- Shiela Lee - Sales microservice
- Elian Felix - Services microservice
Make sure you have Docker, Insomnia, Git, and Node.js Bullseye or above
Fork this repository.
Clone the forked repository onto your local computer: git clone https://github.com/leeshiela/Felix-Lee-Dealership
Build and run the project using Docker with these commands:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
After running these commands, make sure all of your Docker containers are running
Make two API key files to grab pictures from the Pexels API and input your unique API identifier. Location 1 for API key file: inventory/api/inventory_rest/keys.py Location 2 for API key file: ghi/app/src/api_keys.js
View the project in the browser: http://localhost:3000/
Felix Lee is made up of 3 microservices which interact with one another.
- Sales
- Inventory
- Services
Action | Method | URL |
List technicians | GET | http://localhost:8080/api/technicians/ |
Create a technician | POST | http://localhost:8080/api/technicians/ |
Delete a specific technician | DELETE | http://localhost:8080/api/technicians/:id/ |
List appointments | GET | http://localhost:8080/api/appointments/ |
Create an appointment | POST | http://localhost:8080/api/appointments/ |
Delete an appointment | DELETE | http://localhost:8080/api/appointments/:id/ |
Set appointment status to "canceled" or "finished" | PUT | http://localhost:8080/api/appointments/:id/:action/ |
JSON Body to input into Insomnia:
Create a Technician:
"employee_id": 4,
"first_name": "test",
"last_name": "subject"
Create a Service Appointment:
"vin": "JT4VN13G6S5150447",
"customer": "some test costumer",
"date_time": "2024-03-06T13:59:48.492Z",
"status": 0,
"technician": 4,
"reason": "scheduled maintenance"
On the backend, the services microservice has 3 models: AutomobileVO, Appointment, and Technician.
- AutoMobileVO:
- VIN number: string primary key
- sold: boolean
A straightforward Value Object that tracks all the current Automobiles by vim and their sold status.
- Technician:
- employee_id: integer primary key (auto_increment)
- first_name: string
- last_name: string
A special type of employee that works on assigned service appointments.
- Appointment:
- id: integer primary key (auto_increment)
- costumer: string
- reason: string
- vin: string
- status: enum(created, finished, canceled)
- date_time: date_time encoded string
- technician: Technician foreign key object
The aggregate of this microservice. These represent all the important data to track for any and all service appointments at this dealership.
Action | Method | URL |
List salespeople | GET | http://localhost:8090/api/salespeople/ |
Create a salesperson | POST | http://localhost:8090/api/salespeople/ |
Delete a specific salesperson | DELETE | http://localhost:8090/api/salespeople/:id/ |
List customers | GET | http://localhost:8090/api/customers/ |
Create a customer | POST | http://localhost:8090/api/customers/ |
Delete a specific customer | DELETE | http://localhost:8090/api/customers/:id/ |
List sales | GET | http://localhost:8090/api/sales/ |
Create a sale | POST | http://localhost:8090/api/sales/ |
Delete a sale | DELETE | http://localhost:8090/api/sales/:id |
JSON Body to input into Insomnia: Create a sale (SEND THIS JSON BODY):
"price": 10000,
"automobile": "1C3CC5FB2AN120174",
"salesperson": 2,
"customer": 6
Getting a list of sales return value:
"sales": [
"id": 4,
"price": 1000,
"automobile": {
"vin": "1C3CC5FB2AN120174",
"sold": true
"customer": {
"id": 1,
"first_name": "CUSTOMER FIRST",
"last_name": "CUSTOMER Last",
"address": "123 Apple Ave",
"phone_number": 12345678
"salesperson": {
"employee_id": 1,
"first_name": "Shiela",
"last_name": "Lee"
The return value of creating, viewing, updating a single automobile:
"href": "/api/automobiles/KL5VM56L76B185322/",
"id": 5,
"color": "Silver",
"year": 2024,
"vin": "KL5VM56L76B185322",
"model": {
"href": "/api/models/3/",
"id": 3,
"name": "Rav4",
"picture_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/71/Chrysler_Sebring_front_20090302.jpg/320px-Chrysler_Sebring_front_20090302.jpg",
"manufacturer": {
"href": "/api/manufacturers/2/",
"id": 2,
"name": "Toyota"
"sold": false
Getting a list of customers return value:
"customers": [
"id": 1,
"first_name": "CUSTOMER FIRST",
"last_name": "CUSTOMER Last",
"address": "123 Apple Ave",
"phone_number": 12345678
Getting a list of salespeople return value:
"salespeople": [
"employee_id": 1,
"first_name": "Shiela",
"last_name": "Lee"
On the backend, the sales microservice has 4 models: AutomobileVO, Salesperson, Customer, and Sales. AutomobileVO interacts with the Sales model and it is in the inventory microservice. The Sales model gets the VIN data from the AutomobileVO to populate the dropdown menu for its automobile vin property. While the Sales model does not have a foreign key for price, it does have a foreign key to salesperson and a customer. The sales model needs all this information (price, automobile, salesperson, and customer) to record a new sale. When a sale is recorded, the sold status is changed within the original automobile inventory and the VO populates this change. Using a filter method, we were able to only populate vehicles available for sale in the dropdown menu for the sales form.
The AutomobileVO gets its data about the sold status and vin id in the inventory using a poller. The sales poller automotically polls the Inventory microservice for data, so the sales microservice is constantly getting the updated data. The reason for integration between the AutomobileVO and Sales models is that when recording a new sale, you'll need to choose which automobile vin was purchased and that information lives inside of the inventory microservice.
The Salesperson model has attributes of an employee id, which we assigned to be the primary key, and the salesperson's first name and last name. The Customer model has its own id, first name, last name, address, and phone number properties.
JSON Body to input into Insomnia:
Create a Manufacturer:
"name": "BRAND"
Create a Vehicle Model:
"name": "Rav4",
"picture_url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/71/Chrysler_Sebring_front_20090302.jpg/320px-Chrysler_Sebring_front_20090302.jpg",
"manufacturer_id": 1
Create an Automobile:
"color": "black",
"year": 2023,
"vin": "BV4VN13G6S5150447",
"model_id": 1,
"sold": true
On the backend, the Inventory microservice has 3 models: Manufacturer, VehicleModel, and Automobile.
- Manufacturer:
- id: integer primary key (auto_increment)
- name: string
This model represents vehicle manufacturer brands.
- VehicleModel:
- id: integer primary key (auto_increment)
- name: string
- picture_url: string
- manufacturer: Manufacturer foreign key object
This model represents all the different vehicle models registered in our system.
- Automobile:
- id: integer primary key (auto_increment)
- color: string
- year: integer
- vin: string
- model: VehicleModel foreign key object
This is the aggregate model for this microservice. This model represents all individual automobiles to have been in our inventory at any given time by their unique VIN numbers.