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leespen1 committed Mar 28, 2024
1 parent a5275be commit f2364a6
Showing 1 changed file with 263 additions and 0 deletions.
263 changes: 263 additions & 0 deletions examples/Publication/cnot3_optimization.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@

This routine initializes an optimization problem to recover
a CNOT gate on a coupled 3-qubit system. In particular,
Oscillator A: 2 energy levels, 2 guard states,
Oscillator B: 2 energy levels, 2 guard states,
Oscillator S: 1 energy level, 5 guard states,
The drift Hamiltonian in the rotating frame is
H_0 = - 0.5*ξ_a(a^†a^†aa)
- 0.5*ξ_b(b^†b^†bb)
- 0.5*ξ_s(s^†s^†s)
- ξ_{ab}(a^†ab^†b)
- ξ_{as}(a^†as^†s)
- ξ_{bs}(b^†bs^†s).
Here the control Hamiltonian in the rotating frame
includes the usual symmetric and anti-symmetric terms
H_{sym,1} = p_1(t)(a + a^†), H_{asym,1} = q_1(t)(a - a^†),
H_{sym,2} = p_2(t)(b + b^†), H_{asym,2} = q_2(t)(b - b^†),
H_{sym,3} = p_3(t)(s + s^†), H_{asym,3} = q_3(t)(s - s^†),
where a,b,s are the annihilation operators for each qubit.
The problem parameters for this example are,
ω_a / 2π = 4.10595 GHz,
ξ_a / 2π = 2.198e-02 GHz,
ω_b / 2π = 4.81526 GHz,
ξ_b / 2π = 2.252e-01 GHz,
ω_s / 2π = 7.8447 GHz,
ξ_s / 2π = 2.8299e-05 GHz,
ξ_{ab} / 2π = 1.0e-06 GHz,
ξ_{as} / 2π = 2.494e-03 GHz,
ξ_{bs} / 2π = 2.52445e-03 GHz.
We use Bsplines with carrier waves and 3 frequencies per
Oscillator A: 0, ξ_a, ξ_b
Oscillator B: 0, ξ_a, ξ_b
Oscillator S: 0, ξ_{as}, ξ_{bs}.
using LinearAlgebra
#using Ipopt
#using Base.Threads
using Random
#using DelimitedFiles
using Printf
#using FFTW
using Plots
using SparseArrays
using FileIO
using JLD2

#include("Juqbox.jl") # using the consolidated Juqbox module
using Juqbox
using QuantumGateDesign, f::Float64) = @printf(io, "%20.13e", f)

Ne1 = 2 # essential energy levels per oscillator # AP: want Ne1=Ne2=2, but Ne3 = 1
Ne2 = 2
Ne3 = 1

Ng1 = 2 # Osc-1, number of guard states
Ng2 = 2 # Osc-2, number of guard states
Ng3 = 3 # 5 # Osc-3, number of guard states

Ne = [Ne1, Ne2, Ne3]
Ng = [Ng1, Ng2, Ng3]
Nt = Ne + Ng

N = Ne1*Ne2*Ne3; # Total number of nonpenalized energy levels
Ntot = Nt[1]*Nt[2]*Nt[3]
Nguard = Ntot - N # Total number of guard states

Tmax = 550.0 # 700.0

# frequencies (in GHz, will be multiplied by 2*pi to get angular frequencies in the Hamiltonian matrix)
fa = 4.10595
fb = 4.81526 # official
fs = 7.8447 # storage # official
rot_freq = [fa, fb, fs] # rotational frequencies
xa = 2 * 0.1099
xb = 2 * 0.1126 # official
xs = 0.002494^2/xa # 2.8298e-5 # official
xab = 1.0e-6 # 1e-6 official
xas = sqrt(xa*xs) # 2.494e-3 # official
xbs = sqrt(xb*xs) # 2.524e-3 # official

# Note: The ket psi = kji> = e_k kron e_j kron e_i.
# We order the elements in the vector psi such that i varies the fastest with i in [1,Nt1], j in [1,Nt2], , k in [1,Nt3]
# The matrix amat = I kron I kron a1 acts on alpha in psi = gamma kron beta kron alpha
# The matrix bmat = I kron a2 kron I acts on beta in psi = gamma kron beta kron alpha
# The matrix cmat = a3 kron I2 kron I1 acts on gamma in psi = gamma kron beta kron alpha

# construct the lowering and raising matricies: amat, bmat, cmat
# and the system Hamiltonian: H0

a1 = Array(Bidiagonal(zeros(Nt[1]),sqrt.(collect(1:Nt[1]-1)),:U))
a2 = Array(Bidiagonal(zeros(Nt[2]),sqrt.(collect(1:Nt[2]-1)),:U))
a3 = Array(Bidiagonal(zeros(Nt[3]),sqrt.(collect(1:Nt[3]-1)),:U))

I1 = Array{Float64, 2}(I, Nt[1], Nt[1])
I2 = Array{Float64, 2}(I, Nt[2], Nt[2])
I3 = Array{Float64, 2}(I, Nt[3], Nt[3])

# create the a, a^\dag, b and b^\dag vectors
amat = kron(I3, kron(I2, a1))
bmat = kron(I3, kron(a2, I1))
cmat = kron(a3, kron(I2, I1))

adag = Array(transpose(amat))
bdag = Array(transpose(bmat))
cdag = Array(transpose(cmat))

# number ops
num1 = Diagonal(collect(0:Nt[1]-1))
num2 = Diagonal(collect(0:Nt[2]-1))
num3 = Diagonal(collect(0:Nt[3]-1))

# number operators
Na = Diagonal(kron(I3, kron(I2, num1)) )
Nb = Diagonal(kron(I3, kron(num2, I1)) )
Nc = Diagonal(kron(num3, kron(I2, I1)) )

H0 = -2*pi*(xa/2*(Na*Na-Na) + xb/2*(Nb*Nb-Nb) + xs/2*(Nc*Nc-Nc) + xab*(Na*Nb) + xas*(Na*Nc) + xbs*(Nb*Nc))

# max coefficient amplitudes, rotating frame
amax = 0.05
bmax = 0.1
cmax = 0.1
maxpar = [amax, bmax, cmax]

# package the lowering and raising matrices together into an one-dimensional array of two-dimensional arrays
# Here we choose dense or sparse representation
use_sparse = true

# dense matrices run faster, but take more memory
Hsym_ops=[Array(amat+adag), Array(bmat+bdag), Array(cmat+cdag)]
Hanti_ops=[Array(amat-adag), Array(bmat-bdag), Array(cmat - cdag)]
H0 = Array(H0)

# Estimate time step
Pmin = 40 # should be 20 or higher
nsteps = calculate_timestep(Tmax, H0, Hsym_ops, Hanti_ops, maxpar, Pmin)

println("Number of time steps = ", nsteps)

Nctrl = length(Hsym_ops)

Nfreq = 2 # 3 # number of carrier frequencies

om = zeros(Nctrl,Nfreq) # In the rotating frame all ctrl Hamiltonians have a zero resonace frequency

# initialize the carrier frequencies
@assert(Nfreq == 1 || Nfreq == 2 || Nfreq == 3)
if Nfreq==2
om[1,2] = -2.0*pi*xa # carrier freq for ctrl Hamiltonian 1
om[2,2] = -2.0*pi*xb # carrier freq for ctrl Hamiltonian 2
om[3,2] = -2.0*pi*sqrt(xas*xbs) # carrier freq for ctrl Hamiltonian #3
elseif Nfreq==3
# fundamental resonance frequencies for the transmons
om[1:2,2] .= -2.0*pi*xa # carrier freq's for ctrl Hamiltonian 1 & 2
om[1:2,3] .= -2.0*pi*xb # carrier freq's for ctrl Hamiltonian 1 & 2
om[3,2] = -2.0*pi*xas # carrier freq 2 for ctrl Hamiltonian #3
om[3,3] = -2.0*pi*xbs # carrier freq 2 for ctrl Hamiltonian #3

println("Carrier frequencies 1st ctrl Hamiltonian [GHz]: ", om[1,:]./(2*pi))
println("Carrier frequencies 2nd ctrl Hamiltonian [GHz]: ", om[2,:]./(2*pi))
println("Carrier frequencies 3rd ctrl Hamiltonian [GHz]: ", om[3,:]./(2*pi))

casename = "cnot-storage"

# target for CNOT gate between oscillators 1 and 2
gate_cnot = zeros(ComplexF64, 4, 4)
gate_cnot[1,1] = 1.0
gate_cnot[2,2] = 1.0
gate_cnot[3,4] = 1.0
gate_cnot[4,3] = 1.0

if Ne[3] == 1
Utarg = gate_cnot
Ident3 = Array{Float64, 2}(I, Ne[3], Ne[3])
Utarg = kron(Ident3, gate_cnot)

# Initial basis with guard levels
U0 = initial_cond(Ne, Ng)
# U0 has size Ntot x Ness. Each of the Ness columns has one non-zero element, which is 1.

utarget = U0 * Utarg

# rotation matrices
omega1, omega2, omega3 = Juqbox.setup_rotmatrices(Ne, Ng, rot_freq)

# Compute Ra*Rb*utarget
rot1 = Diagonal(exp.(im*omega1*Tmax))
rot2 = Diagonal(exp.(im*omega2*Tmax))
rot3 = Diagonal(exp.(im*omega3*Tmax))

# target in the rotating frame
vtarget = rot1*rot2*rot3*utarget

# NOTE: maxpar is now a vector with 3 elements: amax, bmax, cmax
params = Juqbox.objparams(Ne, Ng, Tmax, nsteps, Uinit=U0, Utarget=vtarget, Cfreq=om, Rfreq=rot_freq,
Hconst=H0, Hsym_ops=Hsym_ops, Hanti_ops=Hanti_ops, use_sparse=use_sparse)


# setup the initial parameter vector, either randomized or from file
startFromScratch = true # false

if startFromScratch
D1 = 15 # 20 # number of B-spline coeff per oscillator, freq, p/q
nCoeff = 2*Nctrl*Nfreq*D1 # Total number of parameters.
pcof0 = amax*0.01 * rand(nCoeff)
println("*** Starting from random pcof with amplitude ", amax*0.01)
# read initial coefficients from file
pcof0 = read_pcof(startFile);
nCoeff = length(pcof0)
D1 = div(nCoeff, 2*Nctrl*Nfreq) # number of B-spline coeff per control function
nCoeff = 2*Nctrl*Nfreq*D1 # just to be safe if the file doesn't contain the right number of elements
println("*** Starting from B-spline coefficients in file: ", startFile)

# min and max B-spline coefficient values
minCoeff, maxCoeff = Juqbox.assign_thresholds(params,D1,maxpar)

# output run information
println("*** Settings ***")
println("Frequencies: Alice = ", fa, " Bob = ", fb, " Storage = ", fs)
println("Anharmonic coefficients in the Hamiltonian: xa = ", xa, " xb = ", xb, " xs = ", xs)
println("Coupling coefficients in the Hamiltonian: xab = ", xab, " xas = ", xas, " xbs = ", xbs)
println("Essential states in osc = ", Ne, " Guard states in osc = ", Ng)
println("Total number of states, Ntot = ", Ntot, " Total number of guard states, Nguard = ", Nguard)
println("Number of B-spline parameters per spline = ", D1, " Total number of parameters = ", nCoeff)
println("Max parameter amplitudes: maxpar = ", maxpar)
println("Tikhonov coefficients: tik0 (L2) = ", params.tik0)
if use_sparse
println("Using a sparse representation of the Hamiltonian matrices")
println("Using a dense representation of the Hamiltonian matrices")

wa = Juqbox.Working_Arrays(params,nCoeff)
juqbox_ipopt_prob = Juqbox.setup_ipopt_problem(params, wa, nCoeff, minCoeff, maxCoeff, maxIter=maxIter, lbfgsMax=lbfgsMax, startFromScratch=startFromScratch)

println("Initial coefficient vector stored in 'pcof0'")

# Convert juqbox problem and controls to QuantumGateDesign equivalents
prob = convert_juqbox(params)

controls = QuantumGateDesign.bspline_controls(, D1, om)
controls_autodiff = QuantumGateDesign.bspline_controls_autodiff(, D1, om)
target = vcat(params.Utarget_r, params.Utarget_i)

# Set up convergence test
pcof = ones(nCoeff)
N_iterations = 3
gmres_abstol = 1e-10
gmres_reltol = 1e-10

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