Mova is a utility for pointing out the common issues with i-Ready.
- Lesson Skipper: Allows you to instantly skip through an entire lesson with a custom score.
- Minute Farmer: Allows you to obtain minutes without actually having to actively do the lesson.
- Download the latest Mova release from here.
- Create a new bookmark.
- Open the Mova bundle (the file that you just downloaded) in a text editor and copy all of it's contents.
- In the URL field, paste in the code that you just copied.
- Save the bookmark.
- Visit i-Ready and click the bookmark and the Mova UI should appear.
Note: If the bookmark bar is not showing, press Ctrl + Shift + B.
To build Mova, follow these instructions:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd Mova
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Build the project:
npm run build
Once the build process finishes, the bundled Mova JS file will be at dist/MovaReady.bundle.js