A collection of small Lua modules.
- access: Creates constant and sealed tables, and records.
- buffer: Creates a read-only binary array from a string, and allows reads of data types from it.
- changeme: Makes it easy to interpolate values over time, using different easing functions.
- crc64: Computes the CRC-64 of strings using the ECMA-182 standard.
- ddlt: A generic lexer to help write parsers, able to recognize C++, BASIC, and Pascal tokens.
- http: A module that performs non-blocking HTTP requests.
- imgcreate: Creates PNG, BMP, TGA, and JPEG images from pixels.
- inifile: Reads entries from a INI file.
- luaio: Allows the native implementation of streams that mimic Lua IO streams.
- proxyud: Creates a full userdata object, optionally setting a metatable to it. It's purpose is to be used as a proxy to another Lua object.
- rectpacker: A Lua binding for Sean Barrett's 2D rectangle packer.
- unzip: Uncompresses entries in ZIP files.
- xml: A simple XML parser implemented in Lua.
- z80: Bindings for Andre Weissflog's Z80 CPU emulator.