Google Cloud Function which is a HTTP-Trigger based function. It means that we can directly invoke it via a HTTPs endpoint that will be assigned to our function.
We are going to use this endpoint to send message to our test Slack channel test-webshop-cf
Runtime: PHP 7.4
- Open GCC by following this link Google cloud function list. You will see the list already existing functions.
- Check that you have installed Cloud SDK by running this command in terminal
Check the list installed google cloud command tools
gcloud components list
If you are not authenticated in GCC then:
gcloud auth login
- Clone this repo
git clone
- Define Slack webhook url in
. You can find this webhook -> Slack channel webhook. - Deploy this function:
gcloud functions deploy <FUNC_NAME> --trigger-http \
--region=<REGION> --runtime=php74
by your own function name.
Replace REGION
by correct region name, in our case is europe-west1
- Check that the function deployed successfully:
gcloud functions describe <FUNC_NAME> --region=<REGION>
or you can check the list of functions by this command:
gcloud functions list | grep <KEY_WORD_FROM_FUNC_NAME>
- Invoke the function by command:
gcloud functions call \
--data '{"message":"Hello from boozt GCF workshop. Created by {your_name}"}' \
<FUNC_NAME> --region=<REGION>
- Another way to trigger this function:
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"message":"Trigger GCF by curl command. By {your_name}"}' \
Replace FUNC_NAME by name of our php function.
Replace REGION by current region in GCC project.
Replace PROJECT_ID by name of our project in GCC.
You can always check details about current project by this command:
gcloud config list
and then get more details about your project
gcloud projects describe <PROJECT_ID>
- Check the logs:
gcloud functions logs read --execution-id=<EXECUTION_ID> --region=<REGION_NAME>
from the output after executing the command: gcloud functions call
- Check slack channel
Play with other different parameters for gcloud
command or chack the same functionality in GCC UI.
🚀 google ☁️