A small Javascript and PHP component to display a Facebook page feed on a website.
Requires jQuery for now (will try and get rid of this dependency soon).
You need to have created a Facebook app to get an app ID and secret: https://developers.facebook.com/apps/
Copy .env.example to a file called .env and update your environment variables as required:
# Your app ID from your facebook app
# Your app secret from your facebook app
# The page you want to display the feed for (this unique ID is in the URL of the page)
# The max number of recent posts to display (defaults to 12)
Place this .env file one folder above your document root, the PHP script will look for it there (you don't want people to be able to navigate to this file in their browser and see your app secret!).
Place all the contents of this project apart from your .env file in a folder on your website, and include on the page you want to use as so:
<script type="text/javascript">
facebookFeedConfig = {
scriptDirectory: '/facebook',
showMessage: false,
messageMaxCharacters: 100,
defaultImage: 'http://lorempixel.com/400/200',
showDate: false,
linkText: 'See more...'
<script src="/facebook/index.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Option | Default | Description |
scriptDirectory | REQUIRED: The public location of this folder. In the above example it is '/facebook' | |
showMessage | false | Whether or not to show the message field |
messageMaxCharacters | The max characters to show of the message (message will be truncated) | |
defaultImage | Image to display when there is no image field | |
showDate | false | Whether or not to show the date |
linkText | Link text (overwrites the name of the post) |