A collection of my config files (also known as dotfiles).
I am using GNU Stow to symlink
my dotfiles to their correct locations in my $HOME
git clone https://github.com/lemonase/dotfiles.git
# Ubuntu/Debian
apt install stow
# Fedora/RHEL
dnf install stow
# Arch
pacman -S stow
# macOS
brew install stow
$ ./install.sh --help
dotfile symlink install script:
install, i:
install dotfile symlinks to $HOME directory
uninstall, u, delete, d, remove, r:
uninstall dotfile symlinks to $HOME directory
repair, r:
repair old dotfile symlinks
list, l:
list symlinks files in home directory
# Installing all symlinks
stow -t "$HOME" -S *
# Uninstalling all symlinks
stow -t "$HOME" -D *
# Repairing all symlinks
stow -t "$HOME" -R *
# Installing specific dotfiles
stow -t "$HOME" -S git
If there are no errors, everything in that directory should be symlinked.
Check by doing a quick ls -al ~/
WARNING! stowing git would cause conflicts:
* existing target is neither a link nor a directory: .gitconfig
Delete or move file in question