SDK for adding OpenWebRTC to your iOS apps using CocoaPods
The SDK uses CocoaPods as library dependency manager. In order to set this up:
sudo gem install cocoapods
pod setup
The OpenWebRTC SDK is made up of 2 different pods:
- Contains the pre-build frameworkOpenWebRTC.framework
- Contains helper classes for quickly developing native apps. Currently available only as a Development Pod, meaning that you need need to reference its location by:path
(example below).
WARNING! There are remaing issues in the .podspec's that requires you to manually fix a few things in your Xcode workspace, see below. We hope to sort these out ASAP. If you have an idea of what might be wrong, let us know!
There is currently a bug that forces a manual fix. Add the following dynamic libs to the Frameworks folder of your main project:
Example Podfile:
platform :ios, '8.0'
target 'NativeDemo' do
pod 'OpenWebRTC', '~> 0.1'
pod 'OpenWebRTC-SDK', :path => '../../../openwebrtc-ios-sdk/OpenWebRTC-SDK.podspec'
As a quick overview, there are the classes to know to use the SDK.