This solution is based on the Formatting a CSV File
The CashApp csv report is a bit different than the YNAB csv report. This tool converts the CashApp csv report to the YNAB csv report.
The CashApp csv input file looks like this:
"Transaction ID","Date","Transaction Type","Currency","Amount","Fee","Net Amount","Asset Type","Asset Price","Asset Amount","Status","Notes","Name of sender/receiver","Account"
"ywur7r","2023-10-07 16:12:36 EDT","Boost Payment","USD","$1","$0","$1","","","","CARD REFUNDED","Cash Reward","","Visa Debit 0987"
"rmgsrz","2023-10-06 23:59:59 EDT","Cash Card Debit","USD","-$2.90","$0","-$2.90","","","","CARD CHARGED","MTA*NYCT PAYGO","","Visa Debit 0987"
"s048op","2023-10-06 19:19:48 EDT","Cash Card Debit","USD","-$2.90","$0","-$2.90","","","","CARD CHARGED","MTA*NYCT PAYGO","","Visa Debit 0987"
"rnkyxvb","2023-06-13 00:00:57 EDT","Sent P2P","USD","-$10","$0","-$10",,"",,"PAYMENT SENT",,"Some business name","Visa Debit 1230"
The YNAB csv output file looks like this:
10/07/2023,Cash Reward,CARD REFUNDED,1.00
06/13/2023,Some business name,PAYMENT SENT,-10.00
ynabconverter cashapp -file cashapp_report.csv > ynab_transactions.csv
This is a simple cli tool written in Go lang. gotestsum is used for testing.
This project uses GitHub Actions for CI. In order to test the GIthub Actions locally, you can use act.
act -s GITHUB_TOKEN="$(gh auth token)"