Framework for doing NER and other types of entity recognition in Python.
Baseline feature extraction relies on Brown clusters and typical NER features, similar to Roth & Ratinov 2009. We use CRFsuite and try to keep things modular and simple, so you're not stuck to just NEs - parts of speech, MWEs, temporal expressions and the whole smørrebrød of entity classes are up for grabs with this framework; simply adjust training data and labels to taste.
- Pluggable feature generation
- Support for Reddit/Twitter JSON formats
- State-of-the-art Twitter NER performance out-of-the-box
To get started, run ./ --help
Toy data in datasets/
top-level directory.
Should you like to tag data with your code, ./ --help
is your friend. Remember to keep the Brown clusters around!
For example, to learn a model from the Ritter NER CoNLL data, and then apply it to some Reddit JSON, try this:
$ ./ -f datasets/ritter.ner.conll \
--clusters brown_paths/gha.250M-c2000.paths --model \
$ ./ -f datasets/RC_2013-04.1000.json \
-c brown_paths/gha.250M-c2000.paths \
--model ritter.socmed.crfsuite.model \
--json --json-text body --stdout
An "entity_texts" top-level field is added, containing extracted entities. For example:
"archived": true,
"author": "walrusboy",
"author_flair_css_class": null,
"author_flair_text": null,
"body": "Quick, someone photoshop Natalie Portman!",
"controversiality": 0,
"created_utc": "1364774484",
"distinguished": null,
"downs": 0,
"edited": false,
"entity_texts": ["Natalie Portman"],
"gilded": 0,
"id": "c95zmil",
"name": "t1_c95zmil",
"parent_id": "t3_1bddiw",
"removal_reason": null,
"retrieved_on": 1431716826,
"score": 1,
"score_hidden": false,
"subreddit": "pics",
"subreddit_id": "t5_2qh0u",
"ups": 1
At least:
- Python 3
- pycrfsuite
- sklearn
- scipy
- numpy
Check you're using Python 3, with python -V
(THAT'S A BIG V). Next, try something like:
$ sudo easy_install3 -U pip
$ sudo pip3 install numpy scipy sklearn python-crfsuite nltk
Then go for two cups of tea / one brief fika, after troubleshooting errors. If you get super stuck, sometimes it helps to try your distribution's Python 3 packages for numpy and scipy, and then upgrade them with something like:
$ sudo pip3 install -U numpy
$ sudo pip3 install -U scipy
If you use Brown clusters (and we recommend them!), this system expects cluster paths in binary branch format - à la wcluster
- as opposed to base 10 paths, like from JCLUSTER
. If you're not sure how many Brown clusters to use, check out our 3D interactive guide to tuning Brown clustering.
If you use this work, please cite our paper:
Leon Derczynski, Isabelle Augenstein, Kalina Bontcheva (2015)
USFD: Twitter NER with Drift Compensation and Linked Data
Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT)
[Paper] [bib]
Tools under active development until at least 2019 as part of the PHEME and COMRADES EU projects: