- TODO: Complete the Readme
- TODO: Complete the Helm Chart
- TODO: Provide Helm Example
A JMeter Docker Container for Master/Slave load testing
Environment Variables:
- JMETER_MODE - master or worker
- JMETER_PROPERTIES - path in the container to the JMeter properties file
- JMETER_LOG - path in the container to the JMeter log
- JMETER_LOADTEST - path in the container to the JMX test file (master)
- JMETER_RESULTS - path in the container for the test results file (master), usually with a '.jtl' extension
You'll need to setup one or more volume mounts to cover the locations of the following files from the host running
the master
- the properties file
- the log file
- the test
file - the rest
results file
You can override or supply any values in the properties file required to run your test. The only requirement is
that you set the hosts
value to the list of IPS used by the worker container instances. The format is
a comma separated list of IPs.
Kubernetes can simplify the process of running load tests without requiring the creation of new hosts to run your tests. A Kubernetes cluster can take a specification for the containers you want to run and spread it across a cluster and even scale new cluster node instances if necessary.
Helm provides a template approach to Kubernetes deployments. This project provides a
Helm Chart that will deploy a JMeter master and a number of workers with a test that is loaded from a git