- You need to add an ssh key in your user home folder.
- The ssh key you provide must be able to connect to github.com
- You need to copy the public key in the machines with:
ssh-copy-id -i local-pub-key-path ip-address-of-host
- Workstations need to have the ssh key in the authorized_hosts
If you have a clean debian 11 install you need to do the following in order to run all this.
- apt update && apt install git
- git clone https://github.com/lerrigatto/ws_ansible.git
- /sbin/usermod elacava -G sudo
- apt install $(cat bootstrap)
- run install.sh
- ./run_desktop.sh "--connection=local -t bitwarden"
- run get-install-key
- run run_desktop.sh "--connection=local"
Known issues of this process
- good luck getting the bitwarden CLI
- even more luck getting the keys from bwcli
- .local/bin not in path (install.sh)
- ansible req python 3.8 (got 3.7)
- must log ansible to file
BUT HEY! It kinda works...
Where necessary, you will find an ATTRIBUTION file detailing the source and licences of other people code.