The Modern Borland colour scheme for Vim is a tribute to the classic Turbo Pascal & Turbo C++ IDEs developed by Borland International Inc. in the early 1990'ties. It mimics the look of the interface and the syntax highlighting. Modern Borland is not related to the Borland colorscheme that often ships with Vim.
Modern Borland offers two style variants. The modern style (default) has some colours changed slightly to make the code easier to read and to give the scheme also a more modern look. On the other hand the classic style uses exactly the same colours as the original IDE.
Modern style | Classic style |
![]() |
![]() |
The Modern Borland colour scheme can be easily installed via a plugin-manager like Plug or Vundle. Just add the address of the GitHub repo to your list of plugins:
- Plug:
Plug 'letorbi/vim-colors-modern-borland'
- Vundle:
Plugin 'letorbi/vim-colors-modern-borland'
Some might want to use Vim's native plugin-management or Pathogen instead. In that case you just have to clone the repository into the appropriate path in your Vim config-directory:
git clone ~/.vim/pack/github/start/vim-colors-modern-borland
If you don't want to use a plugin-manager at all, you can simply clone the repository and copy the file colors/borland.vim into your Vim config-directory:
git clone /tmp/vim-colors-modern-borland
cp /tmp/vim-colors-modern-borland/colors/borland.vim ~/.vim/colors/borland.vim
The colour scheme can be configured by a set of global variables:
Variable | Values | Description |
g:BorlandStyle |
modern , classic |
change the colour style (see screenshots above) |
g:BorlandParen |
0 , 1 |
(de)activate highlighting of brackets and parenthesis |
I recommend to use the font Perfect DOS VGA 437 by Zeh Fernando along with the Modern Borland colour scheme. The font emulates the look of the classic VGA text mode characters and is - at least in my opinion - quite readable. Just take a look at the screenshots above to get your own impression.
If you want to use Perfect DOS VGA 437 with the GTK-version of Vim (Gvim) or MacVim, just install the font and add the following lines to your config-file:
if has("gui_running")
set guifont=Perfect\ DOS\ VGA\ 437\ Win\ 12
set noantialias
If you want to use Perfect DOS VGA 437 with the text-version of Vim or Neovim, there is no way to set the font via the config-file. You will have to change the font of your terminal instead.
Copyright 2016-2024 Torben Haase <>