- Typescript support.
- Can use directly within react native cli.
- Integration with @rematch redux for easy global state management.
- BootSplash for faster splashScreen configurations.
- Integration with wix/react-native-navigation for faster and native navigation.
- Localization.
- Synced with the recommended TypeScript template
- Axios for fetch api calls
- React Native Navigation(wix) for native and best performance navigation.
- react-native-lottie-splash-screen BootSplash for faster splashScreen configurations.
- Rematch for for easy global state management.
- react-native-keychain for Keychain/Keystore access.
- AsyncStorage for persistent storage.
Create a new project using the template.
$ npx react-native init MyApp --template leulseged3/react-native-template
├── __tests__
├── android
├── ios
└── src
└── api
| └── constants.ts
| └── get-data.ts
| └── response.d.ts
└── assets
| ├── home-icon.png
| ├── packages.png
| ├── profile-icon.png
└── components
| ├── Button.tsx
| └── use-actions.ts
└── hooks
| └── use-actions.ts
| └── use-props.ts
| └── index.ts
└── localization
| └── am.json
| └── en.json
| └── types.ts
└── navigation
| ├── bottom-tabs-navigation.tsx
| ├── index.tsx
| ├── stack-navigation.tsx
└── screens
| ├── ScreenOne.tsx
| ├── ScreenTwo.tsx
| ├── ScreenThree.tsx
| ├── ScreenFour.tsx
| ├── ScreenFive.tsx
| ├── index.ts
└── states
| └── model
| └── blogs.ts
| └── language.ts
| └── index.ts
| └── store.ts
└── utilities
| ├── language-persist.ts
| ├── screenNames.ts
This template is modified from react-native-typescript-template
Thank you ❤️