SmartTaste is an innovative app developed during HackaTUM, aiming to revolutionize the meal recommendation experience for Hello Fresh users. By leveraging a hybrid recommendation system, SmartTaste offers personalized meal suggestions based on user preferences, learned dynamically through user interactions.
- Frontend: React
- Backend: FastAPI
- Recommendation System: A hybrid approach combining content-based and collaborative filtering
- Accessibility Features: Speech-to-text and Text-to-Speech integrations, OpenAI Assistant API
- Frontend: React.js for a responsive and interactive user interface
- Backend: FastAPI for efficient and scalable server-side operations
- Database: SQL Alchemy for ORM + SQLite for dev environment
- APIs: OpenAI Assistant API for enhanced user interaction and accessibility
- Hybrid Recommender System: Combines user preferences and collaborative data to suggest the perfect meals.
- Gamified User Onboarding: Simplifies the initial interaction while collecting valuable data for the recommendation algorithm.
- Accessibility Support: Ensures an inclusive experience for users with visual impairments through advanced speech technologies.
Below are some glimpses of SmartTaste in action:
This project was made possible by the dedicated efforts of Level11 and Fabio. Special thanks to HackaTUM and Hello Fresh for providing the challenge and support.
For more details about the hackathon and our project, check out our submission on DevPost: