A minimal color scheme ported from rebelot/kanagawa.nvim for Vim.
This color scheme defines only the highlight groups described in :h highlight-groups
and :h group-name
- (g)Vim latest
- gVim or a terminal that supports TrueColor
Plug 'leviosa42/kanagawa-mini'
call dein#add('leviosa42/kanagawa-mini')
$ mkdir -p ~/.vim/colors
$ cd ~/.vim/colors
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leviosa42/kanagawa-mini.vim/master/colors/kanagawa-mini.vim -o kanagawa-mini.vim
colorscheme kanagawa-mini
" Default options:
" undercurl: Enable undercurl.
" *Style: The style of its highlight groups. See `:h attr-list`.
" specialReturn: Special highlight for the return keyword.
" specialException: Special highlight for exception handling keywords.
" transparent: Do not set background color.
" terminalColor: Define g:terminal_ansi_colors.
" theme: Load the specified theme.
let g:kanagawa_mini = {
\ 'undercurl': v:true,
\ 'commentStyle': 'italic',
\ 'functionStyle': 'NONE',
\ 'keywordStyle': 'italic',
\ 'statementStyle': 'bold',
\ 'typeStyle': 'NONE',
\ 'specialReturn': v:true,
\ 'specialExeption': v:true,
\ 'transparent': v:false,
\ 'terminalColors': v:true,
\ 'theme': 'default'
\ }
The theme
option only supports 'default'