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A nodejs CLI app to curate scene movie releases.

  • detects movie from either .nfo or path, reasonably accurate
  • clean code & cool plugin architecture
  • configurable naming convention
  • works nicely as a sabnzbd post processing script


So far I've only done some really basic testing on my own machine, so if you decide to give this a try, please don't point it at your media collection and let it go, because it will likely do some catastrophic damage.

installation & setup (quick start)

  • you'll need node and avprobe (from lib-avtools package)
  • then clone this repo, then npm install
  • create config.ini from config.example.ini
  • set your tmdb apiKey, parent, and output
  • run with node concierge.js

installation & setup (detailed)

install node

This used to be really clunky, but these days it's much better, so I'd avoid googling it and following the first guide you see because lots has changed.

Best way is to follow the instructions from nodesource which will go something like this:

you shouldn't just run scripts you download from the interwebs willy nilly, especially as sudo.. unless like me, you like to live dangerously.

sudo curl -sL | bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

install avprobe

sudo apt-get install libav-tools

clone & populate

git clone <address>
cd <folder>
npm install


rename ./config.example.ini to config.ini, and edit it as you like. you can also node concierge.js -h to get a list of options. All (most?) options can be set from CLI args or from config.ini, CLI takes precedence.

  • You'll need an api key from themoviedb
  • set the path to your parent directory
  • set path to output or leave it as 'inPlace'


nodejs concierge.js

command line usage

Concierge will read options from it's config.ini but those options will be overwritten by anything you pass in from the command line.

Suppose you have a /srv/downloads/movies/ directory and you want concierge to process all children of that directory, you add something like source=/srv/downloads/movies/ to your config.ini.

If for whatever reason you wanted concierge to process a single release, you use the --target option which only ever processes a single directory (so --source will be ignored).

nodejs concierge.js --target /downloads/movies/some-specific-release

-h or --help will give you the full list of command line options, most of which are self explanatory. All command line options are also documented in config.example.ini.

sabnzbd post processing

You just specify the included as your post processing script. You'll need to edit this that script to show the correct path to concierge. Sabnzbd expects all your post processing scripts to be in one folder, so if you're using sickbeard post processing or whatever just copy to your sickbeard autoProcessTV directory or wherever.

more documentation

  • config.example.ini will give you a good run down of the available options and configuration.
  • onNoMedia.js is an example of how to write a plugin
  • fsItems.js contains the Directory class which is used by pretty much every module.
  • metaTmdb is where the "magic" happens


Post an issue here or pm /u/Mr5o1 on reddit.


A nodejs CLI app to curate scene movie releases







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