A wrapper built on top of the official SWI-Prolog Python interface to iteract with prolog through python using a functional programming paradigm. This wrapper is specifically designed to facilitate programmers with no prior knowledge of logic programming to interact with Prolog
Follow the directions at www.swi-prolog.org/packages/mqi/prologmqi.html to install both swipl and SWIPL's Machine Query Interface
pip install functional-swipl-interface
copy example/email_validation.pro
to your local directory
import functional-swipl-interface as SWIPL
.validate_queries("is_valid_email", [
[('abcd@gmail.ghx.com', True), ('1234@@ghx.com', False), ('abcd1234@ghx', False)]
python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/*
set the username to __token__
set the password to the pypi token