What's Changed
- To call the tests on PR from lf-edge/eden by @yash-zededa in #3371
- github workflow : fix CodeQL CI error by @shjala in #3379
- vtpm : add a simple fuzzing harness by @shjala in #3360
- move references to lf-edge/eve/api to lf-edge/eve-api separate repo; same for eve/libs to eve-libs by @deitch in #3378
- apparmor : update base abstraction by @shjala in #3381
- renamed the input param to eve_image by @yash-zededa in #3386
- bump up ipinfo by @shjala in #3384
- Support parsing and status publishing for the new cellular APIs by @milan-zededa in #3367
- pkg: debug: Add /usr/bin/service to debug container by @rene in #3389
- pillar/containerd: introduce specific NotFound err by @christoph-zededa in #3385
- Snapshot: Rollback after restart. by @OhmSpectator in #3303
- Update edge-view and newlog to use EVE APIs from the new repo by @milan-zededa in #3396
- debug : add tar to the container by @shjala in #3388
- tpm : save tpm event logs by @shjala in #3387
- Disable eden_test workflows from running on each PR and master push by @uncleDecart in #3400
- Build mkinitfs version 3.8.1 from source by @mikem-zed in #3362
- pkg: kernel: Fix kernel crash on RPi4 when using TPM by @rene in #3401
- pkg: kernel: Sign ZFS modules after strip by @rene in #3403
- doc : add a section on diagnosing TPM issues by @shjala in #3405
- pkg: kernel: Fix USB HID kernel configuration on ARM64 by @rene in #3402
- Implement features of the new cellular APIs by @milan-zededa in #3391
Full Changelog: 10.5.0...10.6.0