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# Clone all subrepos
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

1. Build qemu

$ ./ qemu

2. Build Linux Image. The same Image will be used for both, root and non-root cell

$ ./ prepare_linux # Create output directory, applied configuration
$ ./ linux # Compiles the kernel

3. Build OpenSBI
# Apply compiler fixup
$ git -C srcs/opensbi am ../../res/0001-compiler-fixup.patch
$ ./ opensbi

Now, the file build/opensbi/platform/generic/firmware/fw_payload.elf will hold
the bootable Linux kernel Image.

4. Build Jailhouse
$ ./ jailhouse

5. Build buildroot. This will build both: non-root and root buildroot.
$ ./ prepare_buildroot
$ ./ buildroot

6. Compile Device Trees
$ ./ dts

Everything required for booting on the NOEL-V is prepared now:

- DTBs: build/dtb
- OpenSBI/Linux Binary: build/opensbi/platform/generic/firmware/fw_payload.elf
- Initrd: build/buildroot_root/images/rootfs.cpio.gz

Those binaries can be loaded with grmon3:

grmon3> reset; cpu en 0; cpu en 1; cpu en 2; cpu en 3; cpu en 4; cpu en 5
grmon3> forward enable uart2
grmon3> load fw_payload.elf
grmon3> load -binary rootfs.cpio.gz 0x3000000
grmon3> dtb noel-mc-eth.dtb
grmon3> run

Alternatively, boot those binaries with QEMU:

$ ./ start uc # single core variant
$ ./ start mc # multicore variant

To attach the debugger to QEMU, type in another terminal:

$ ./ debugger

5. Starting Jailhouse

Next, you must ssh into your target and start jailhouse
$ ssh noelv(qemu)

Inside your target, load the Jailhouse Kernel module:
$ insmod jailhouse.ko

Enable the hypervisor with the helper script jh-en:
$ jh-en

6. Loading bare-metal inmates

To load a timer-demo bare-metal inmate, first create a jailhouse cell:

$ jailhouse cell create /etc/jailhouse/noelv-tiny-demo.cell
On Qemu:
$ jailhouse cell create /etc/jailhouse/qemu-riscv64-tiny-demo.cell

And load the inmate binary (same for both platforms):
$ jailhouse cell load tiny-demo /etc/jailhouse/timer-demo.bin

The last step is to start the cell:
$ jailhouse cell start tiny-demo

You should see the cell's output on the grmon interface. To destroy the cell,

$ jailhouse cell destroy tiny-demo

Finally, you can also disable the hypervisor:

$ jailhouse disable

7. Starting Non-Root Linux Inmates

After enabling the hypervisor, simply type:

$ jh-linux

This tiny helper script will perform all steps that are required for booting
Linux. Please refer to the script for more details.

The non-root cell's output will be the forwarded uart and is accessible via

6.1 Inter-Cell communication

Both cell contain a virtual ethernet device (ivshmem). On the root cell (via
ssh) type:

$ ifconfig enp0s16

On the non-root cell (via grmon), type:

$ ifconfig eth0

The virtual connection between both cells is now established and can be tested
via standard ethernet tooling (e.g., ping).


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