With gt
(go to), fly in the terminal, with completion.
> article % gt add belief
Alias 'belief' successfully added.
> article % gt
belief -> /Users/gsprd/Documents/phd/work/belief/article
des -> /Users/gsprd/Desktop
dot -> /Users/gsprd/.dotfiles
exam -> /Users/gsprd/Documents/phd/teaching/info/exam
gt -> /Users/gsprd/Documents/projects/gt
> article % gt remove exam
Alias 'exam' successfully removed.
- Add alias to the current directory with
gt add ALIAS
- Jump this this directory with
. - Remove this alias with
gt remove ALIAS
. - List aliases with
. - Remove all broken aliases with
gt clean
> gt -h
Usage: gt
Usage: gt show [ALIAS]
Usage: gt add ALIAS
Usage: gt remove ALIAS
Usage: gt clean
Usage: gt config KEY [VALUE]
Usage: gt [-t/--tmux] [-c/--current] ALIAS
Usage: gt [-h/--help]
Start, switch and attach tmux sessions seamlessly by switching tmux on
gt config tmux on
Now, gt ALIAS
joins a named tmux session directly at the directory
pointed by ALIAS
. It attaches if the session already exists !
You can force stay outside of tmux, or in the current tmux session, with the
gt -c ALIAS
Similarly, when tmux
is configured to off
, you can force join a tmux
session with the -t
gt -t ALIAS
Download the executable with
mkdir -p ~/.config/gt
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gsprd/gt/main/gt > ~/.config/gt/.gt
Create the command by adding the following alias to your ~/.bashrc
alias gt='source ~/.config/gt/.gt'
Setup completion in zsh
compdef '_files -W "/Users/gsprd/.config/gt"' .gt
or in bash
_gt() {
local cur files
files=$(ls ~/.config/gt)
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${files}" -- ${cur}) )
complete -F _gt gt