Project killR: Data on both male and female international serial killers and scripts for scraping, preprocessing, and analyzing data on serial killers.
Contains the following scraped data on both male and female international serial killers (N = 576):
- name (full, given, and surnames)
- pseudonym (note: pseudonyms are partially in German)
- country
- sex
- victims (proven, suspected)
- years active (active from-to, active from, active to)
- geocoded country locations (longitude, latitude)
Data source:ördern
The script covers
- scraping Wikipedia tables containing information on international serial killers
- wrangling scraped data
- geocoding the killers' locations by country using Google Maps API
- mapping the killers' locations as both points and polygons with leaflet and ggplot2
using the abovementioned data set on N = 576 serial killers.
The script covers
- scraping a Wikipedia table containing information on US serial killers
- wrangling scraped data
- scraping a Wikipedia table containing US states and extracting information on the killers' locations from strings
- predicting the killers' sex based on their given names using gender and genderdata
- scraping a Wikipedia table containing causes of death and extracting information on the killers' causes of death from strings
- visualizing the killers' causes of death, number of victims, and sex
- mapping the killers' locations
using the example of serial killers in the US.