Python API with high level build flow constructs (parallel/serial) for Jenkins. Allows full scriptable control over the execution of Jenkins jobs. Allows a flow running on one Jenkins to control Jobs on other Jenkins instances. Also allows running 'jobs' as python scripts locally without using Jenkins.
import os
from jenkinsflow.flow import serial
from jenkinsflow.jenkins_api import JenkinsApi
def _flow():
"""Execute jobs on the same Jenkins that run the flow, or Jenkins on localhost if not running from a Jenkins job."""
url = os.environ.get("JENKINS_URL") or "http://localhost:8080"
username = os.environ["JENKINS_USERNAME"]
token = os.environ["JENKINS_TOKEN"]
# Jenkinsflow uses it's own specialized *JenkinsApi* to access Jenkins, using the Jenkins rest api.
api = JenkinsApi(url, username=username, password=token)
with serial(api, timeout=70, report_interval=3) as outer_ctrl:
with outer_ctrl.parallel(timeout=0, report_interval=3) as report_prepare_ctrl:
with outer_ctrl.parallel(timeout=0, report_interval=3) as test_ctrl:
outer_ctrl.invoke("report", password="Y", s1="tst", c1="complete")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Output (assuming all jobs ran succesfully):
=== Jenkinsflow ===
Serial builds: []
Parallel builds: ()
Invocation-N (w/x,y/z):
-N: 'Invocation N of same job', where N is invocation number which is increased every time a job has been explicitly
invoked (as opposed to retried). '-N' is only present for jobs with multiple invocations.
w=current retry invocation in current flow scope, x=max in scope, y=total number of invocations, z=total max invocations
Elapsed time: 'after: x/y': x=time spent during current run of job, y=time elapsed since start of outermost flow
--- Calculating flow graph ---
serial flow: [
job: 'prepare'
job: 'deploy_component'
parallel flow: (
job: 'report_deploy'
job: 'prepare_tests'
parallel flow: (
job: 'test_x'
job: 'test_y'
job: 'report'
--- Getting initial job status ---
serial flow: [
job: 'prepare' Status IDLE - latest build: #275
job: 'deploy_component' Status IDLE - latest build: #273
parallel flow: (
job: 'report_deploy' Status IDLE - latest build: #273
job: 'prepare_tests' Status IDLE - latest build: #273
parallel flow: (
job: 'test_x' Status IDLE - latest build: #273
job: 'test_y' Status IDLE - latest build: #273
job: 'report' Status IDLE - latest build: #273
Defined Invocation http://larsesmbp:8080/job/prepare
Defined Invocation http://larsesmbp:8080/job/deploy_component
Defined Invocation http://larsesmbp:8080/job/report_deploy
Defined Invocation http://larsesmbp:8080/job/prepare_tests
Defined Invocation http://larsesmbp:8080/job/test_x
Defined Invocation http://larsesmbp:8080/job/test_y
Defined Invocation http://larsesmbp:8080/job/report - parameters:
c1 = 'complete'
password = '******'
s1 = 'tst'
--- Starting flow ---
Flow Invocation (1/1,1/1): ['prepare', 'deploy_component', ('report_deploy', 'prepare_tests'), ('test_x', 'test_y'), 'report']
Job Invocation (1/1,1/1): http://larsesmbp:8080/job/prepare
Build started: 'prepare' - http://larsesmbp:8080/job/prepare/276/console
job: 'prepare' stopped running
job: 'prepare' Status IDLE - build: #276
SUCCESS: 'prepare' - build: http://larsesmbp:8080/job/prepare/276/console after: 0.929s/1.013s
Job Invocation (1/1,1/1): http://larsesmbp:8080/job/deploy_component
Build started: 'deploy_component' - http://larsesmbp:8080/job/deploy_component/274/console
job: 'deploy_component' stopped running
job: 'deploy_component' Status IDLE - build: #274
SUCCESS: 'deploy_component' - build: http://larsesmbp:8080/job/deploy_component/274/console after: 0.755s/2.356s
Flow Invocation (1/1,1/1): ('report_deploy', 'prepare_tests')
Job Invocation (1/1,1/1): http://larsesmbp:8080/job/report_deploy
job: 'report_deploy' Status QUEUED
Job Invocation (1/1,1/1): http://larsesmbp:8080/job/prepare_tests
job: 'prepare_tests' Status QUEUED
Build started: 'report_deploy' - http://larsesmbp:8080/job/report_deploy/274/console
job: 'report_deploy' stopped running
job: 'report_deploy' Status IDLE - build: #274
SUCCESS: 'report_deploy' - build: http://larsesmbp:8080/job/report_deploy/274/console after: 0.831s/3.774s
Build started: 'prepare_tests' - http://larsesmbp:8080/job/prepare_tests/274/console
job: 'prepare_tests' stopped running
job: 'prepare_tests' Status IDLE - build: #274
SUCCESS: 'prepare_tests' - build: http://larsesmbp:8080/job/prepare_tests/274/console after: 0.835s/3.855s
Flow SUCCESS ('report_deploy', 'prepare_tests') after: 0.913s/3.855s
Flow Invocation (1/1,1/1): ('test_x', 'test_y')
Job Invocation (1/1,1/1): http://larsesmbp:8080/job/test_x
job: 'test_x' Status QUEUED
Job Invocation (1/1,1/1): http://larsesmbp:8080/job/test_y
job: 'test_y' Status QUEUED
Build started: 'test_x' - http://larsesmbp:8080/job/test_x/274/console
job: 'test_x' stopped running
job: 'test_x' Status IDLE - build: #274
SUCCESS: 'test_x' - build: http://larsesmbp:8080/job/test_x/274/console after: 0.833s/5.277s
Build started: 'test_y' - http://larsesmbp:8080/job/test_y/274/console
job: 'test_y' stopped running
job: 'test_y' Status IDLE - build: #274
SUCCESS: 'test_y' - build: http://larsesmbp:8080/job/test_y/274/console after: 0.830s/5.358s
Flow SUCCESS ('test_x', 'test_y') after: 0.914s/5.358s
Job Invocation (1/1,1/1): http://larsesmbp:8080/job/report
Build started: 'report' - http://larsesmbp:8080/job/report/274/console
job: 'report' stopped running
job: 'report' Status IDLE - build: #274
SUCCESS: 'report' - build: http://larsesmbp:8080/job/report/274/console after: 0.756s/6.708s
Flow SUCCESS ['prepare', 'deploy_component', ('report_deploy', 'prepare_tests'), ('test_x', 'test_y'), 'report'] after: 6.624s/6.708s
--- Final status ---
serial flow: [
job: 'prepare' SUCCESS
job: 'deploy_component' SUCCESS
parallel flow: (
job: 'report_deploy' SUCCESS
job: 'prepare_tests' SUCCESS
parallel flow: (
job: 'test_x' SUCCESS
job: 'test_y' SUCCESS
job: 'report' SUCCESS
Finished: SUCCESS
See demo/...
for some usage examples.
The demo jobs can be loaded by running tests, see below.
A recent Jenkins is required.
Install python-devel (required by the psutil dependency of the script_api) E.g on fedora:
sudo dnf install python-devel
:pip install --user --upgrade jenkinsflow
Read the file
if you have security enabled your Jenkins.
All set! You can now create jobs which will a use this library to control the running of other jobs.
I think jenkinsflow should work on Windows, but it has not been tested.
I'm SURE the tests will fail on Windows. There are a few Linux/Unix bits in the test setup. Check test/framework/cfg
. Patches are welcome:)
The test can be run using
:pip install nox
There are three different apis for running the unit tests, jenkins, script and mock. The mock and script api test do not require any Jenkins setup. The mock api ony tests the flow logic, it does not exeute any jobs. See the '--api' option below.
Important Jenkins setup and test preparation
Configure security
Some of the tests requires security to be enabled. You need to create two users in Jenkins: Read the file demo/ and create the user specified. Create a user called jenkinsflow_authtest1, password abcæøåÆØÅ. ( u'u00e6u00f8u00e5u00c6u00d8u00c5' )
Set the number of executers
Jenkins is default configured with only two executors on 'built-in' node. To avoid time-outs in the test cases this must be raised to at least 32. This is necessary because some of the test cases will execute a large amount of jobs in parallel.
Change the 'Quite period'
Jenkins is default configured with a 'Quiet period' of 5 seconds. To avoid time-outs in the test cases this must be set to 0.
Set Jenkins URL
Jenkins: Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Jenkins Location -> Jenkins URL
The URL should not use localhost.
Your Jenkins needs to be on the host where you are running the test. If it is not, you will need to make jenkinsflow available to Jenkins. See test/framework/
To run the Codeberg folder job test a Codeberg test and Jenkins configuration repository is needed!
Fork codeberg test repo to your own organization/user account. Add the Gitea plugin to Jenkins. In system config add a Gitea server name Codeberg, URL Add an Organization Folder job named codeberg-org, with server Codeberg. Set owner to your organization/account and Script path to Jenkinsfile.jenkinsflow-test.
To run the GitHub folder job test a GitHub test and Jenkins configuration repository is needed!
Fork github test repo to your own organization/user account. Add a GitHub App in your organization and install it on the repo. Create the corresponfig GitHubApp credentilal in Jennkins, id cred-github-jenkinsflow-test. Add the Gitea plugin to Jenkins. In system config add a Gitea server name GitHub, URL Add an Organization Folder job named github-org, with server GitHub. Set owner to your organization/account, credential to cred-github-jenkinsflow-test and Script path to Jenkinsfile.jenkinsflow-test.
Run the tests using
:JENKINS_URL=<your Jenkins> nox --mock-speedup=100 --direct-url <non proxied URL different from JENKINS_URL>
You may omit JENKINS_URL if your Jenkins is on http://localhost:8080.
You may omit --direct-url if your Jenkins is on http://localhost:8080.
nox -s unit -- --help
and look at custom options: to see special options for unit tests.The test script will run the test suite with mocked jenkins_api, script_api and jenkins_api in parallel. The mocked api is a very fast test of the flow logic. Mocked tests and script-api tests do not require Jenkins. The test jobs are automatically created in Jenkins.
It is possible to select a subset of the apis using the
option.The value given to
is the time speedup for the mocked tests. If you have a reasonably fast computer, try 2000. If you getFlowTimeoutException
try a lower value. If you get <job> is expected to be running, but state is IDLE try a lower value.By default tests are run in parallel using xdist and jobs are not deleted (but will be updated) before each run. You should have 32 executors or more for this, the CPU/disk load will be small, as the test jobs don't really do anything except sleep. To disable the use of xdist use
.All jobs created by the test script are prefixed with jenkinsflow_, so they can be easily removed.
The test suite creates jobs called ..._0flow. These jobs are not executed by the test suite, by you can run them to see what the flows look like in a Jenkins job. If your Jenkins is not secured, you must set username and password to '' in, in order to be able to run all the ..._0flow jobs.
Run tests as described above to load jobs into Jenkins
Demo scripts can be executed from command line:
python ./demo/<demo>.py
Demo scripts can be executed from the loaded 'jenkinsflow_demo__<demo-name>__0flow' Jenkins jobs. Jenkins needs to be able to find the scripts, executing
creates a test installation.
To see a flow graph of the basic demo in your browser, execute:
python ./visual/' --json-dir '/tmp/jenkinsflow-test/graphs/jenkinsflow_demo__basic
before running ./demo/
Open http://localhost:9090 in your browser.
The test suite also puts some other graphs in subdirectories under /tmp/jenkinsflow-test/graphs. The visual feature is still experimental and does not yet show live info about the running flow/jobs.
If you run ...0flow jobs that generate graphs from Jenkins the json graph file will be put in the workspace.
Run nox
to build documentation:
nox -s docs