A Bukkit plugin provides a central ORM Manager. It have no reload issue from Bukkit's build-in ORM support.
Put it into your server's plugin folder, and start your server, or package source into your own plugin(not recommend). This is a sample project xKit.
If you want to use this library in your own plugin. code your main class like this. See Ebean ORM
public class MyPlugin extend JavaPlugin {
public void onEnable() {
* If you dont whan to use manager object, follow this
* EbeanHandler handler = new EbeanHandler();
* handler.setDriver("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
* handler.setUrl("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/database");
* handler.setUserName("userName");
* handler.setPassword("password");
* Use manager object will gen and read config field automatic.
* and will store handler into a map, your can get it even
* your plugin reload.
// EbeanManager manager = EbeanManager.DEFAULT;
EbeanManager manager = getServer().getServicesManager()
EbeanHandler handler = manager.getHandler(this);
if (!handler.isInitialize()) {
try {
} catch(Exception e) {
// Do what you want to do.
// This function will inject into Bukkit's build-in
// ORM support.
// This function will try to create not exists tables.
// Injected build-in method. Return initialized
// Ebean server.
EbeanServer server = this.getDatabase();
// EbeanServer server = handler.getServer();
public void function() {
MyClass my = getDatabase.find(MyClass.class)
.eq("id", "zmy")
Code your entity class like this. See More Example.
@Table(id = "o_table")
public class MyClass {
private int id;
private String id;
// Put getter and setter.
Configure field will create automatic in your plguin's default config file. Like this.
driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/database
userName: username
password: password
- A @ManyToOne field is lazy load!
- A @ManyToOne field is not support on sqlite platform!