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Editing Users

  • Add a new User : sudo adduser -m -s /bin/bash -c "Liam BEGUIN" foo
  • Set it's Password : sudo passwd -f foo
  • Add to Sudoer (Fedora) : sudo usermod -aG wheel foo
  • Add to Sudoer (Ubuntu) : sudo usermod -aG sudo foo
  • Remove user and it's home : sudo userdel -r foo

Generate a gnome profile for Fedora

Change all you want using the GUI

$ cd ~/dev/dotfiles/gnome-terminal
$ dconf dump /org/gnome/terminal/legacy/ > terminal_settings

Generate a gnome profile for Ubuntu

Change all you want using the GUI

$ cd ~/dev/dotfiles/gnome-terminal
$ gconftool-2 --dump  /apps/gnome-terminal > profile.xml

Generate color palette for xterm based on Fedora profile

$ grep palette gnome-terminal/terminal_settings | \
sed 's/rgb/\n/g' | sed 's/^(\(.*\)).*$/\1/g' | tail -n+2 | \
awk 'BEGIN {FS="," ; i=0 } {printf "xterm*color %d: rgb:%02X/%02X/%02X \n", i, $1, $2, $3; i++}'

Install instructions

make sure you're sudo on the system !

$ sudo -v

Set things up and install

$ sudo dnf install git ansible
$ mkdir -p ~/dev/ && cd ~/dev/
$ git clone
$ cd dotfiles
$ ansible-playbook -K local.yml

Add Machine specific (or private) stuff to ~/.bashrc_local

Other useful tools

$ cd ~/dev
$ git clone
$ ln -sf $(pwd)/pw/pw ~/bin/pw


simple terminal: