Our website features the top 5 trendy cryptocurrency and showcases their updates including their pricing and price change percentage. Cryptomuggles has a special feature of showing the market price and price change percentage of these coin in real time as well as having news related to cryptocurrency in the same page. The news distribute the top 5 latest articles around the topic.
For each coin, we also have respective charts for the progression of the chart within the timeframe of one minute, one day, and one week. Our chart functions optimally for users as they can zoom in and out of the chart for specific values the user wants to inspect.
For each article disributed the user is allowed to be sent to the article page that they have clicked on. Currently there are region and language parameters around the top 5, it is a live version of news around cryptocurrency.
An extra feature that we have is having a sign up feature for people to join our cryptomuggle community and get updates regarding any significant price changes or news about a certain coin.
We aim to satisfy our users and we always value them to make sure they always get a quality user experience.
As a cryptocurency trader
I want to review the current cryptocurrency market
so that I can review the latest trends and news
When the user navigates the time
I am presented with the time ticking in the header accordidng to their local time.
When the user is presented with the market chart
I am presented with the coin names, real-life updates of the USD price, and real-life updates of the price change percentage.
When the user is presented with the price change percentage in the market chart
I am presented with values in different colors as green indicates it has increased and red indicates it decreased.
When the user clicks the coin from the market chart
I am presented with the chart featuring the coins price chart.
When the user is presented with the coin chart
I am able to interact with the coin of choice and the price is scaled on the market per min, per day, and per week.
When the user wants to read more about crypto news
I am presented with the news container.
When the user is presented with the news chart
I am able to interact with each article row and click directing me to the URL of the article.
When the user is presented with the sign up card
I am able to put in my name and email and saved it to local storage.
- Liam O'Kane - Team Leader & Javascript
- Github:
- Email:
- Portfolio:
- Tirta Styadi - Styling
- Theresa Levina Gunawan - Javascript
- Github:
- Email:
- Protfolio:
- Daniele Longo - Styling
- Syed Hasnat - Javascript
Task | Progress |
Research on APIs News and Coin | Complete |
Chart Visualisation - Research | Complete |
Building HTML | Complete |
Wireframing | Complete |
Website Concept/Design | Complete |
Basic (rough) styling of CSS | Complete |
Media Query (header, body, footer) | Complete |
Market Cap/Container Top 5 from API - Incuding click function | Complete |
Market Container - change conolour of perecentage. Red for decrease in value, green for increas in value | Complete |
Market Container - Link coin to market | Complete |
News Container - Display top 5 and fecth time of the article, the source (creator) and title | Complete |
News Container - click function | Complete |
News Container - fetch URL article link and apply it to the click function | Complete |
Light to Dark Mode Switch button - change background style colour | Complete |
Hover box for signup | Complete |
Hover styling - for coing and news click | Complete |
Assign the link to Social Media | Complete |
Sign up function to story the users name in Local Storage | Complete |
Styling - colour hover to the coin and news row | Complete |
Button switch from Coin chart to News chart | No longer Required |
Douglas Chan - TA
David Impey - Instructor
Scott Basquill - TA
©2022 Crypto Muggles.