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John W. Peterson edited this page Nov 4, 2020 · 6 revisions

Please use the following reference if you publish any kind of scholarly work using libMesh:

  author = {Benjamin S. Kirk and John W. Peterson and Roy H. Stogner and Graham F. Carey},
  title = {{\texttt{libMesh}: A C++ Library for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement/Coarsening Simulations}},
  journal = {Engineering with Computers},
  volume = 22,
  number = {3--4},
  pages = {237--254},
  year = 2006,
  note = {\url{}}

The full list of publications by people using LibMesh can be seen on our website, and is updated periodically. The raw bibtex files for each year can also be obtained directly from the libMesh git repository.

Number of papers by people using libMesh each year

Cumulative publications by month for select years A note about these figures: We determine the year of a publication based on when it appears in its final form in a journal, or when a Conference was actually held. For example, if a preprint comes out in 2018, then appears as an "Early View" paper in a journal in 2019, and then finally is assigned an actual volume number in 2020, then that paper will appear in the 2020 statistics. Since the time when we become aware of a given publication can vary somewhat from its final publication date, the number of publications for a given year can change both before the year begins and after it ends. This is the reason that the data in the second plot extends before and after the "Year Start" and "Year End" labels, respectively.

Finally, we note that the totals in the bottom image can be lower than the totals for the same year in the top image, since sometimes publications are found in certain years well outside the window of time for each year shown in the second image. The numbers in the top image should be considered the "final"/"most up to date" publication totals, while the second image gives some idea of the rate at which publications are being accumulated in any given year.

Updating publications.html (Developer Instructions)


  • Install bibtex2html (e.g. brew install bibtex2html on OSX).

  • Clone the website repo (if not already cloned) in ~/projects:

    cd ~/projects
    git clone

Regenerate the publications.html page

  • Run script which generates html.

    cd $LIBMESH_ROOT/doc/citations
  • Commit publications.html in the main libmesh repo.

    git commit -a -m"Regenerate publications webpage."
  • Add the header and footer. (This will also run configure if necessary):

    cd $LIBMESH_ROOT/build/doc/html
    make publications.html
  • Check the diffs (make sure the header/footer is unchanged):

    git diff ~/projects/ publications.html

Update the website version

  • Copy the publications.html file over

    cp $LIBMESH_ROOT/build/doc/html/publications.html ~/projects/
  • You can verify that it looks OK by examining the local version:

    cd ~/projects/
    open index.html
  • Commit and push to GitHub to update the live version

    cd ~/projects/
    git commit -a -m"Updating the publications page manually."
    git push origin master