Hi, I am Linus, a student from Germany. I write code as a hobby, but don't really tend to finish projects. My favorite programming language is Swift, mainly for the SwiftUI library. I am also trying to get into Rust and Deno (a strict ECMAScript/TypeScript runtime from the creator of NodeJS). This choice often starts arguments with Nils (nonline), who has made the opposite choice of using non-strict CommonJS and Python (and seems not to use compiler languages at all???).
I am currently working on my website, and there are also a lot of other half-finished projects, which I might pick up again.
Together with Bimi124, I also have competed in a fischertechnik robotics cup before, and we are currently working on our second generation line follower.
I also took part in the Fall 2023 "Hack to the Future" Hackathon, where my team created a web app to navigate a theme park.
My preferred contact method is GitHub Issues, as spam bots don't (yet) post there.