This is the CUSTOM_VIEW package
node version ">= 14.13.1" ! npm install -g yarn
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies
yarn install
- Check if
was installed if not install it manually
yarn add primo-server --dev
- Start up a proxy for testing. Copy the URL into a private or incognito window to break the browser cache.
yarn start
- Build the source.
yarn build
yarn watch
- Create a package that you can upload to the back office
yarn package (the folder 'package' must exist)
dist Directory with compiled sources
package Directory with the packaged compiled sources
src Source code
├── components Directory with all the components
│ └── libInfo Component
│ ├── index.js Business logic of component
│ ├── libInfo.html Visuals of component
│ └── libInfo.json Extra data
├── factories Angular factories and services
│ ├── messageService.html
│ └── messageService.js
├── index.js ViewCustom definition
├── loader.js Component loader
├── primo Bridge into Primo services like user, records, facets ...
└── templates Template files used to overwrite existing primo templates
In package.json
you can find the proxy parameters.
"primo": {
"url": "https://<primo-inst>",
"institution": "<primo-inst>",
"vidId": "<vid>"
If you update them then next time you run yarn start
it will point to a new configured Primo.
The index.js in the componets direcory always contains
export let <name>Component = {
name: 'custom-<name>',
enabled: false,
appendTo: '<after-component>',
enableInView: '.*',
config: {
bindings: {
parentCtrl: '<'
controller: <name>Controller,
template: <name>HTML
=> Alma => Discovery => Display Configuration => Labels => View Labels
example (browzine)
css => Also add new css to css/index.css with @import './css/<...>'