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The NDE Customization package offers options to enhance and extend the functionality of Primo’s New Discovery Experience (NDE). You can add and develop your own components, customize theme templates, and tailor the discovery interface to your specific needs.

Note: The NDE Customization package is currently available exclusively to Primo customers who have early access to the New Discovery Experience (NDE). Further availability will be announced in upcoming releases.

Development Containers devcontainers

Life will become easier if you are using an IDE that supports devcontainers and you have Docker running.
This can be remote like GitHub Codespaces or local like Visual Studio Code(VSC) or any IDE that support devcontainers.

You can 'Reopen in Container' when you open this repository in for example VSC. Your IDE will create a docker image and start the container, be patient this can take a while if you do this the first time.

Once your container is running you will see your workspace(/app/src) on the left. We have hidden the project files(tsconfig.json, ...) but if you need them use your terminal or update the workspaceFolder in .devcontainer/devcontainer.json and rebuild(press cmd/ctrl+shift+p or F1 and select 'Dev Containers: Rebuild Container')


All direct relevant configurations are located in package.json

  "nde": {
    "proxy": {
      "target": "YOUR_PRIMO_NDE_URL"
    "build": {
      "institution": "YOUR_INSTITUTION_CODE",
      "view": "YOUR_VIEW_CODE"

List commands

  npm run

Starting the PROXY

  npm run start:proxy

Accessing Primo NDE through the proxy


Creating a component

Components must ge created in the /app/src directory. If you did not mess with your configuration then this is the default directory of your terminal.
For example let us create a dot component in a libis sub directory.

  ng generate component libis/dot --module custom1-module

Component should have been created. Open the .ts file and update the selector to 'lbs-dot' this is the element tag that will be used in Primo NDE.

  selector: 'lbs-dot',
  templateUrl: './dot.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./dot.component.scss']

Import and register the location the component needs to be injected.

import {DotComponent} from '../libis/dot/dot.component'

export const selectorComponentMap = new Map<string, any>([  
  ['nde-logo-after', DotComponent]

Creating a package

  npm run postbuild

Your package will be located in dist/

Additional Resources

Live Demo Tutorial

Query parameter flags

  • disable customizations: noCustomization=true
  • force the use of the custom package. customClientUrl = 'http://localhost:4201': useLocalCustomPackage=true


By following these steps, you can customize and extend the NDE interface using the CustomModule package. If you have any questions or run into issues, refer to the project documentation or the ExLibris support.