Bug Fixes
add basic echo benchmarks (7d708d0 )
add interface-stream-muxer support and tests (bb4b8ba )
avoid negative sizes (55d096e )
correct channel and plex closing (0341fee )
correct channel closing (e7409ec )
correct encoding and channel closing (19f0962 )
correct encoding/decoding (2e608fd )
dont close channel too early (9ea6999 )
getting interface-stream-muxer tests to pass (8dccda1 )
getting interface-stream-muxer tests to pass (da10bf9 )
improve performance (e9f9917 )
initial commit (5279adb )
initial commit (1843747 )
initial commit (e37eedf )
interep with old stream based mplex (99a0c46 )
interop with old libp2p-mplex (0db5abf )
make the benchmark configurable (51b1a2b )
performance (6d79751 )
remove unused deps (2a7857e )
send chan name (aa1dcfa )
update (d428fb6 )
use bl to avoid buffer concat/copy (018be66 )
use two lists to avoid clashes (a0c3e1c )
validation and coverage (bec8862 )
Performance Improvements
You can’t perform that action at this time.