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Licenseware SDK v3

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  1. Developing
  2. Uploaders
  3. Reports
  4. Report Components
  5. Datatable
  6. Mongo Repository
  7. History
  8. Kafka Streams
  9. Redis Get/Set


  • clone the repository;
  • install virtualenv: pip3 install virtualenv;
  • create virtualenv: virtualenv ./;
  • activate virtualenv: source ./bin/activate;
  • install these before requirements.txt;
  • install dependencies: pip3 install -r requirements.txt;
  • install dependencies: pip3 install -r requirements-tests.txt;
  • running tests: make run-tests;
  • install licenseware: make install;
  • uninstall licenseware: make uninstall;
  • build licenseware wheel: make build;
  • install from git latest: pip3 install git+;
  • install from git a specific release: pip3 install git+;
  • pin a specific sdk release in requirements.txt: git+;


An uploader is reponsible for handling files uploaded for processing. Each uploader will have it's own (mostly) unique attributes and actions. These attributes and actions which define an uploader are needed to handle the file from the upload up to file processing handler.

Define uploader encryption parameters

from licenseware import UploaderEncryptionParameters

rv_tools_encryption_parameters = UploaderEncryptionParameters(
    filepaths=["DeviceX", "encrypt_this(.*)_untilhere"],
    columns=["Device", "Host"]

Data provided on UploaderEncryptionParameters will be used in data anonymization app for encrypting sensitive data locally before sending the date for processing.

  • filepaths - this will encrypt all files and folders which match the given parameters;
  • filecontent - this will encrypt all text like content that matched (.txt, .xml) in the same way filepaths does;
  • columns - this will encrypt all columns from the .xlsx, .xls or .csv given;

This is how the encryption will take place for filepaths and filecontent:

  • Given "DeviceX" will encrypt in filepath anywhere it finds "DeviceX" like: /path/to/DeviceX to /path/to/slkjl9e;
  • Given "Device-(.+?)" will encrypt in filepath anywhere it finds regex match like: /path/to/Device-SecretName to /path/to/Device-dasdia3i;

This is how the encryption will take place for columns:

  • Given the list of columns will encrypt all values;
  • Parameters can be given just as we did for filepaths and filecontent it can be either exact match SpecificDeviceX or regex match SpecificDevice(.+?). The regex match will encrypt what it found between paranthesis.

If no encryption is needed don't provide any parameters this would be enough:

rv_tools_encryption_parameters = UploaderEncryptionParameters()

If you need to encrypt only the columns:

rv_tools_encryption_parameters = UploaderEncryptionParameters(
    columns=["Device", "Host"]

In a similar way this can be done for filepaths and filecontent.

Define uploader validation parameters

from licenseware import UploaderValidationParameters

rv_tools_validation_parameters = UploaderValidationParameters(
    filename_contains=["rv", "tools"],
    filename_endswith=FileTypes.GENERIC_EXCEL # or just [".xls", ".xlsx"],
    required_sheets=["sheet1", "sheet2"],
    required_columns=["col1", "col2"],
    filename_valid_message="File is valid",
    filename_ignored_message="File is ignored",

These are all needed validation parameters, these may seem like a lot, but you'll only use one or two parameters per uploader.

  • required_input_type - this describes the type of file uploaded. Put the file extension like .xlsx, .xlsx (or excel), .csv, .xml etc;
  • filename_contains - at least one of the items in the list must be on the filename;
  • filename_endswith - at least one of the items in the list must end with filename.endswith((".xlsx", etc,));
  • required_sheets - you can put here the required sheets/tabs the excel file needs to have. You can also provide alternative sheets to find like: required_sheets=[["sheet1", "sheet2"], ["tab1", "tab2"]] - this way if at least one of the nested list of sheets has a match validation will succeed;
  • required_columns - this will look for all columns in all the excel sheets. You can also provide alternative columns just like we did for required_sheets;
  • min_rows_number - the minimum number of rows the excel or csv must have;
  • header_starts_at - some times header doesn't start from the top, here you can put the index where the header starts;
  • text_contains_all - this is used for text like files (anything you can open with notepad and understand the text), will check if all items are in the text;
  • text_contains_any - similar to text_contains_all, but will check if at least one item is found in text;
  • ignore_filenames - here you can put a list of filenames that should not be validated. These files will have status skipped in the validation response;
  • buffer - this sets the ammount of characters that will be loaded in memory for validation (default: 15000). Doing this we avoid loading the whole file in memory which can cause memory overflow;
  • filename_valid_message - you can change the message of a file which passed validation (default: "File is valid");
  • filename_ignored_message - you can change the message of a file which is in ignore_filenames field (default: "File is ignored");
  • regex_escape - the search is done mostly with regex which means that sometimes the text we search can contain regex queries and this may cause an incorect search. To avoid this regex_escape is default True, but you can change this to False if you have a special case;
  • ignored_by_uup - universal uploader app by default takes all the uploader metadata (uploader details, validation parameters, encryption parameters etc) and checks each file if it fits one specific uploader's metadata. Set ignored_by_uup to False if you want the uploader created to be ignored by universal uploader app.

Each field is optional so we can reduce the above uploader's validation parameters to this:

rv_tools_validation_parameters = UploaderValidationParameters(
    filename_contains=["rv", "tools"],
    required_sheets=["sheet1", "sheet2"],
    required_columns=["col1", "col2"]

Creating the worker function which will handle the event

from app.dependencies.workers import worker
from licenseware import States, log
from settings import config

from .rv_tools_data_worker import ProcessRVToolsEvent

@worker.task(name="rv_tools_worker", queue=config.APP_ID)
def rv_tools_worker(event: dict):

    from app.uploaders import registered_uploaders"Starting working")

    registered_uploaders.publish_processing_status(event, States.RUNNING)
        registered_uploaders.publish_processing_status(event, States.IDLE)"Finished working")

The worker function is responsibile for providing the processing information to you processing class and notify processing status to registry-service.

The event received will be a dictionary like this:

event = {
    "tenant_id": tenant_id,
    "authorization": authorization,
    "uploader_id": uploader.uploader_id,
    "filepaths": filepaths,
    "clear_data": clear_data,
    "event_id": event_id or validation_response.content.event_id,
    "app_id": self.config.APP_ID,
  • tenant_id - the project id on which this upload was made;
  • authorization - in some cases you may need to request data from other apps, this will help making those requests on behalf of a user;
  • uploader_id - this uploader_id is unique the same as app_id;
  • filepaths - a list of filepaths which will need to be processed;
  • clear_data - bool which if is true you must delete previous processed data;
  • event_id - uuid unique to this processing request;
  • app_id - the unique app id which holds this uploader;

Ideally the file process event handler (ProcessUplaoderIdEvent) would look something like this:


from typing import List
from licenseware import HistoryLogger, WorkerEvent, get_mongodb_connection
from settings import config

class ProcessRVToolsEvent(metaclass=HistoryLogger):
    def __init__(self, event: dict) -> None:
        self.event = WorkerEvent(**event)
        self.db_connection = get_mongodb_connection(config)
        self.config = config

    def get_raw_data_from_file(self, filepath: str):
        print("Getting raw data from file")

    def extract_virtual_devices(self, raw_data: List[dict]):
        print("Extracting virtual devices")

    def save_virtual_devices(self, virtual_devices: List[dict]):
        print("Saving virtual devices")

    def run_processing_pipeline(self):
        for fp in self.event.filepaths:
            # Needed for history
            self.filepath = fp
            self.filename = os.path.basename(fp)
            # The file processing pipeline
            raw_data = self.get_raw_data_from_file(filepath=fp)
            virtual_devices = self.extract_virtual_devices(raw_data)

HistoryLogger - will log all methods from this class and save information related to the success/failure of the pipeline operation. This way it's easier to see which functions failed, why (traceback error is saved) on which tenant and so on.

Attach to a new uploader what we defined up:

from licenseware import FileTypes, NewUploader
from settings import config
from app.dependencies.db import redis_cache
from .encryptor import rv_tools_encryption_parameters
from .validator import rv_tools_validation_parameters
from .worker import rv_tools_worker

rv_tools_uploader = NewUploader(
    description="XLSX export from RVTools after scanning your Vmware infrastructure.",
  • config - this object will contain common data for our application;
  • NewUploader - this object will hold all the information needed (metadata) for describing file(s) which will be uploaded for processing;
  • UploaderValidationParameters - this object will contain metadata needed to validate file(s);
  • UploaderEncryptionParameters - this object will contain metadata needed to encrypt sensitive data from file(s);
  • FileTypes - this contains all the file types we can process (.xml, .csv, .xlsx etc);

This list can grow depending on the requirements. In the NewUploader object we gather all information about this uploader.

  • name - uploader name;
  • description - describe what this uploader does;
  • uploader_id - try to make this unique accross all apps;
  • accepted_file_types - the files extentions accepted (will be displayed by frontend);
  • config - the instance of Config from;
  • worker - the function which will trigger the processing;
  • free_quota_units - the number of free quota units on the user free plan;
  • used_collections - a list of collections which will be used by the worker function to fill (this is used on clear_data for tenant option);
  • validation_parameters - here we pass the instance of UploaderValidationParameters class;
  • encryption_parameters - here we pass the instance of UploaderEncryptionParameters class;
  • flags- here you can set a list of flags for this uploader. Flags will be imported from constants package (from licenseware import Flags);
  • icon - the icon of this uploader which will be displayed in frontend;
  • filenames_validation_handler - by default the validation is handled by uploader.defaults.default_filenames_validation_handler function. If you need to treat the filename validation in a different way you can always pass another function. The filenames_validation_handler function will receive the a list of strings as a first parameter and an instance of UploaderValidationParameters class and must return an instace of uiresponses.FileValidationResponse;
  • filecontents_validation_handler - by default the validation is handled by uploader.defaults.default_filecontents_validation_handler function. If you need to overwrite this functionality you can pass your custom filecontents_validation_handler function which will have the same signature as default_filenames_validation_handler;
  • Obs: for setting the state of the validation you need to use the States from licenseware States;
  • registrable - set it to False if this uploader doesn't need to be registered to registry-service;

Each uploader created needs to be registeredin the uploaders/ file:

from app.dependencies.pubsub import producer
from app.dependencies.db import mongodb_connection, redis_cache
from import registry_updater
from licenseware import RegisteredUploaders
from settings import config

from .rv_tools.uploader import rv_tools_uploader

uploaders = [rv_tools_uploader]

registered_uploaders = RegisteredUploaders(

The registered_uploaders will be imported on app startup in the app/api/defaults/ and will be used to auto generate api routes for each uploader.

If you want more control on how the upload is handled you can inherit from RegisteredUploaders and modify the methods you need. Make sure to update app/api/defaults/ if method names or params are changed.


After the Uploader validates the files, the files are sent to processing and processed what remains is to provide useful insights by aggregating saved data resulted after processing in small digestable chunks of data. A report can contain one or more report components. Each report component has a corespondent front-end component which knows how to render it's data. The same principles apply as with Uploaders.

  • Declare a new report

Below we contruct report filters. This step can be done after you have defined all report components.

from licenseware import ReportFilter

report_filters = (
            allowed_values=["Verify", "Used", "Licensable", "Restricted"],
            allowed_values=["Verify", "Used", "Licensable", "Restricted"],
            allowed_values=["Verify", "Used", "Licensable", "Restricted"],

Variable report_filters will be an instance of ReportFilter which will make available the list of filters on metadata object. For each column type if allowed_filters parameter is not filled the default filters for that column type will be added. If column_type is not specified either, then ReportFilter will try to detect the type based on the other parameters. You can take a look on the ReportFilter implementation to see how the defaults are applied. In most cases you can get away by just providing the column name and allowed_values if needed.

  • Declaring the report

Using the NewReport class we fill the below parameters (filters can be filled later after you have defined all report components).

from app.dependencies.db import mongodb_connection, redis_cache
from app.report_components import report_components
from licenseware import NewReport
from settings import config

from .filters import report_filters

devices_overview_report = NewReport(
    name="Device Details",
    description="This report collects all the device information captured during processing.",

  • connected_apps - here provide app_id's on which this report depends. Data will be taken from both connected_apps to create the reports.

On this instance of the new report we will attach all the needed report components. If attach is not used all provided report_components will be attached.

You can create custom filters on which report components you need to attach:

for rc in report_components:
    if rc.component_id in ["some_component_id1", "some_component_id2"]:

Each report created needs to be registeredin the reports/ file:

from settings import config
from licenseware import RegisteredReports

from import devices_overview_report

reports = [devices_overview_report]

registered_reports = RegisteredReports(reports, config)

The registered_reports will be imported on app startup in the app/api/defaults/* and will be used to auto generate api routes for each report.

If you want more control on how the reports are handled you can inherit from RegisteredReports and modify the methods you need. Make sure to update app/api/defaults/* if method names or params are changed.

Report Components

A report can contain one or more report components. Here we declare a summary report component type.

  • Declaring report component attributes
summary = (
        value_description="Missing parent details",

This way we inform front-end that it needs to use the Summary UI component and it needs to fill the component data as described in SummaryAttrs. You can check more attributes and how they are used in licenseware/reports/attributes_*.py modules.

  • Declaring report component style attributes
styles = (
    .set("height", "full")

Here we specify additional information to front-end about report component looks.

Next, we need to create a function which based on the parameters received will return component data from database.

def get_fmw_summary_component_data(*args, **kwargs):
    return "data from database"
  • Declaring the report component
fmw_summary_component = NewReportComponent(

Now that we have declared report component attributes, style attributes and the get_component_data_handler function we are ready to attach it to the report created up.

  • Attaching a report component to a report

Each report component created needs to be registeredin the report_components/ file:

from settings import config
from app.dependencies.db import redis_cache
from licenseware import RegisteredComponents

from .all_devices.component import all_devices_component

report_components = [all_devices_component]

registered_components = RegisteredComponents(report_components, redis_cache, config)

The registered_components will be imported on app startup in the app/api/defaults/* and will be used to auto generate api routes for each report component.

If you want more control on how the report components are handled you can inherit from RegisteredComponents and modify the methods you need. Make sure to update app/api/defaults/* if method names or params are changed.


We have uploaders which handle files uploaded and sent to procesing, reports which take the data processed and show it to the user in a insightful way we also can provide a way for the user to manipulate/update the data processed using datatable. With Datatable we can provide excel like features on the web.

Ovewrite the CrudHandler methods if needed (in most cases you hopefully don't need to do that):

from .crud_handler import CrudDeviceTable

from app.common.infrastructure_service import InfraService
from licenseware import (
from settings import config

def get_data_without_foreign_key(
    tenant_id: str,
    repo: MongoRepository,
    limit: int,
    skip: int,
    config: Config,

    pipeline = [
        {"$match": {"tenant_id": tenant_id}},
            "$lookup": {
                "from": config.MONGO_COLLECTION.DATA,
                "localField": "is_dr_with",
                "foreignField": "_id",
                "as": "dr_members",
            "$project": {
                "_id": 1,
                "is_child_to": {
                    "$ifNull": [{"$arrayElemAt": ["$", 0]}, None]
                "is_parent_to": "$",
                "is_dr_with": "$",
                "is_part_of_cluster_with": "$",
                "capped": 1,

    pipeline = insert_mongo_limit_skip_filters(skip, limit, pipeline)
    return repo.execute_query(pipeline)

class CrudDeviceTable(CrudHandler):
    def get(
        tenant_id: str,
        authorization: str,
        id: str,
        foreign_key: str,
        distinct_key: str,
        limit: int,
        skip: int,
        repo: MongoRepository,

        if id is not None:
            return repo.find_one(filters={"_id": id, "tenant_id": tenant_id})

        if foreign_key is None:
            return get_data_without_foreign_key(tenant_id, repo, limit, skip, config)

        if distinct_key is not None:
            return repo.distinct(distinct_key, filters={"tenant_id": tenant_id})

        return repo.find_many(filters={"tenant_id": tenant_id}, limit=limit, skip=skip)

    def put(
        tenant_id: str,
        authorization: str,
        id: str,
        new_data: dict,
        repo: MongoRepository,

        id = new_data.pop("_id", None)
        infra_service = InfraService(
            data={**new_data, **{"tenant_id": tenant_id}},
                "tenant_id": tenant_id,
                "uploader_id": "editable_controller",
                "event_id": id,
                "filepath": "N/A",
                "app_id": config.APP_ID,
        return infra_service.replace()

    def delete(
        tenant_id: str,
        authorization: str,
        id: str,
        repo: MongoRepository,
        return repo.delete_one(filters={"_id": id, "tenant_id": tenant_id})

Define data table:

from settings import config
from licenseware import DataTable, ColumnTypes, CrudHandler
from licenseware import ColumnTypes, DataTable
from settings import config

devices_table = (
        title="All Devices",
        crud_handler=CrudDeviceTable, # not needed if you didn't overwrite CrudHandler class
    .column("_id", editable=False, visible=False)
    .column("tenant_id", editable=False, visible=False)
    .column("name", required=True)
    .column("is_parent_to", distinct_key="name", foreign_key="name")
    .column("capped", type=ColumnTypes.BOOL)
    .column("device_type", values=["Virtual", "Pool",])
    .column("total_number_of_processors") # this will be type number because it has number in the field name
    .column("oracle_core_factor", type=ColumnTypes.NUMBER)
    .column("model") # default will be type string
    .column("updated_at", editable=False, type=ColumnTypes.DATE)
    .column("raw_data", editable=False, type=ColumnTypes.JSON)

Class CrudDeviceTable is responsible for interacting with the database and providing the data required.

Up we declare the table component metadata for component_id="device_table". This is very similar to report attributes (ex: BarHorizontalAttrs). Method column appends columns to table component. Method column has the following parameters, most of them with sensible defaults:

  • prop: str - this is required, place the name of the field here;
  • name: str = None - if not filed, value will be computed from prop;
  • values: list = None - provide a list of values, a dropdown will appear in frontend;
  • type: ColumnTypes = None - if values is filled type will be automatically set to enum, if distinct_key and foreign_key are filled type will be set automatically to entity, otherwise a default type string will be set. Make sure to specify type for the other types not covered automatically if needed;
  • editable: bool = True - by default all fields are editable (the user can change the field data). If prop is one of "tenant_id", "_id", "updated_at" editable will be set automatically to False.
  • visible: bool = True - by default all fields are visible to the user. Same defaults apply as for editable.
  • hashable: bool = False - by default all fields are hashable. Same defaults apply as for editable.
  • required: bool = False - by default all fields not required. If prop is one of "tenant_id", "_id", "updated_at" editable will be set automatically to True.
  • distinct_key:str = None - here place the name of the field from which you want a list of unique items;
  • foreign_key:str = None - here place the name of the foreign key field;

Each datatable component created needs to be registeredin the datatables/ file:

from licenseware import RegisteredDataTables
from settings import config

from .devices_table import devices_table
from .devices_table_simple import devices_table_simple

datatables = [devices_table, devices_table_simple]

registered_datatables = RegisteredDataTables(datatables, config)

The registered_datatables will be imported on app startup in the app/api/defaults/ and will be used to auto generate api routes for each report datatable.

Mongo Repository

The data to be useful needs to be saved somewhere that's where the MongoRepository class comes in handy. It includes handling of mongo ObjectId field which is not json parsable + some custom handling.

First import the repo implementation:

from marshmallow import Schema, fields
from settings import config
from licenseware import MongoRepository
from app.dependencies.db.mongo import get_mongo_db_connection

class EntitiesSchema(Schema):
    entities = fields.List(fields.Raw, required=True)

def entities_validator(data):
    data = EntitiesSchema(many=True if isinstance(data, list) else False).load(data)
    return data

class SomeProcessingClass:

    def __init__(self):
        # Attention! 
        # Don't keep it at the module level as a global variable!
        mongo_connection = get_mongo_db_connection(config)
        self.repo = MongoRepository(
            collection = config.MONGO_COLLECTION.DATA,
            data_validator = entities_validator
        # Now the `repo` is ready to use!

    def some_func(self):
        inserted_data = repo.insert_one(
            data={"field_name": "some_data"}

The data_validator (entities_validator) needs to be a function which will raise an error if data is not as requested. You can use any schema package you want marshmallow, pydantic even your own custom assertion on data it just needs to raise an error if data is not as intended.

The data_validator validator needs to return the data provided.

We specified the collection and data_validator function on instantiation, but we can provide other collection names or validators on the repo method parameters (not recommended).

Insert some special data:

def custom_validator(data):
    assert "field_name" in data.keys()
    assert data["field_name"] in ["some_special_data"]  
    return data

# somewhere in a class method

inserted_data = self.repo.insert_one(
    data={"field_name": "some_special_data"}

Ideally you should create one repo per collection because this way you don't need to specify collection and data_validator each time you call a repo method.

The data_validator can be set to None while figuring out what to do with the data, but you will see a warning that the data inserted/updated/replaced has no validation. So, make sure you provide a data_validator function once you are ready. If you really don't need a data validator you could set data_validator="ignore" this will bypass the data validation step (use it with care).

Note that you could always create a new repo collection based on an existing created repo.

repo_data = MongoRepository(
    collection = config.MONGO_COLLECTION.DATA,
    data_validator = entities_validator

# later in the process you need another collection

repo_newcollection = MongoRepository(
    collection = "CustomCollection",
    data_validator = "ignore"

If you need to create indexes or other extra configurations please create them on app startup ( file).

Checkout licenseware/repository/mongo_repository for more information.


In order to have a history of the processing steps from begining to the end licenseware.history.log decorator can be used to decorate processing functions.

Recomended way of using history:

from typing import List
from licenseware import WorkerEvent, HistoryLogger, get_mongodb_connection
from settings import config

class ProcessUploaderIdEvent(metaclass=HistoryLogger):
    def __init__(self, event: dict) -> None:
        self.event = WorkerEvent(**event)
        self.db_connection = get_mongodb_connection(config)
        self.config = config  

    # Here add processing funcs

    def run_processing_pipeline(self):
        for fp in self.event.filepaths:
            # Needed for HistoryLogger
            self.filepath = fp
            self.filename = os.path.basename(fp)

            # Here call the processing funcs in order

ProcessUploaderIdEvent will go in the uploader worker function as described on Uploaders section.

Another usage example:

from settings import config
from app.dependencies.db.mongo import get_mongo_db_connection
from licenseware import MongoRepository

class InfraService:
    def __init__(self):
        self.event_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        self.filepath = "./somefile"
        self.uploader_id = "rv_rools"
        self.app_id = "ifmp-service"
        self.tenant_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        mongo_connection = get_mongo_db_connection(config)
        self.repo = MongoRepository(
            mongo_connection, collection=config.MONGO_COLLECTION.DATA
        self.config = config

    def update_relationships(self):
        """some docs"""

response = InfraService().update_relationships()

For history to work we need some basic information (event from worker information + the config from settings) to track the processing steps:

  • event_id
  • filepath
  • uploader_id
  • app_id
  • tenant_id
  • repo
  • config

Where the history.log decorator cannot be used you can create an instance of History class and call the following functions where needed:

  • log_filename_validation - if you are overwriting the default file names validation function;
  • log_filecontent_validation - - if you are overwriting the default file content validation function;
  • log_success - place it where function completed succesfully;
  • log_failure - place it where function failed to complete, an error occured;
  • log_start_processing and log_end_processing - are used in publish_processing_status to track the total processing time of the worker;

Custom usage without using history.log decorator:

import traceback
from settings import config
from app.dependencies.db.mongo import get_mongo_db_connection
from licenseware import History

class ProcessingClass:
    def __init__(self, tenant_id, authorization, event_id, uploader_id, app_id):
        mongo_connection = get_mongo_db_connection(config)

        history_repo = MongoRepository(
            mongo_connection, collection=config.MONGO_COLLECTION.HISTORY
        self.history = History(
            # etc fill needed params to History class

    def some_processing_func(self, filepath: str):

            # processing stuff
        except Exception as err:
                on_failure_save="Faled gathering data",

As you can see this method is very verbose an ugly this is what history.log decorator does under the hood. I takes the required parameters and saves success and failures in encountered in a processing pipeline.

Kafka Streams (Pub-Sub)

Basic usage:

On the kafka broker side define topics(channels)

from licensware import Topic, TopicType
from confluent_kafka.admin import AdminClient

admin_client = AdminClient({'bootstrap.servers': 'mybroker'})

topic = Topic(admin_client)


On the app side define stream producer (publisher)

from licenseware import Config, Producer
from confluent_kafka import Producer as KafkaProducer
from settings import config 

def get_producer(config: Config):
    producer_client_factory = lambda cfg: KafkaProducer(
            "bootstrap.servers": cfg.KAFKA_BROKER_URL,
            "security.protocol": cfg.KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL,
    kafka_producer = Producer(producer_client_factory, config)
    return kafka_producer

producer = get_producer(config)

data_stream = {
    "event_type": EventType.ACCOUNT_CREATED,
    "tenant_id": None,
    "etc": "data",

producer.publish(TopicType.USER_EVENTS, data_stream)

The factory function is up to you to create it with the configurations you need. If you want just the default one you can do from licenseware import get_kafka_producer. We are using a factory function for getting the confluent kafka producer to reconnect in case the connection fails.

You can also define a consumer (subscriber)

from licenseware import Config, Consumer
from confluent_kafka import Consumer as KafkaConsumer
from settings import config

def get_consumer(config: Config):
    consumer_client_factory = lambda cfg: KafkaConsumer(
            "bootstrap.servers": cfg.KAFKA_BROKER_URL,
            "": cfg.APP_ID,
            "security.protocol": cfg.KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL,
    kafka_consumer = Consumer(consumer_client_factory, config)
    return kafka_consumer

consumer = get_consumer(config)


def account_created_handler(event):
    return "some processed data"

consumer.dispatch(EventType.ACCOUNT_CREATED, account_created_handler)

if __name__ == "__main__":

The factory function is up to you to create it with the configurations you need. If you want just the default one you can do from licenseware import get_kafka_consumer. We are using a factory function for getting the confluent kafka consumer to reconnect in case the connection fails.

Redis Get/Set

For various reasons we may need to set and get small temporary chunks of data from redis.

from settings import config
from licenseware import RedisCache

rc = RedisCache(config)

# expiry in seconds - put None for no expire date
rc.set(key="apps:ifmp-service", value={"app": {"app_id": "ifmp-service"}}, expiry=10)
rc.set(key="apps:odb-service", value={"app": {"app_id": "odb-service"}}, expiry=10)

# get will return a list of matched keys results

# get key will return the value stored on that specific key

This the redis_cache instance is already available in app/dependencies you can import it in app with from app.dependencies.db import redis_cache.


No description, website, or topics provided.







