- Download prepared HDF5 data for training:
sh +x download_data.sh
- Download 3D indoor parsing dataset (S3DIS Dataset) for testing and visualization. "Stanford3dDataset_v1.2_Aligned_Version.zip" of the dataset is used. Unzip the downloaded file into "deep_gcns/data" and merge with the folder
which already contains the patchesS3DIS_PATCH.diff
then run,
cd ../data/Stanford3dDataset_v1.2_Aligned_Version
git apply S3DIS_PATCH.diff
find . -name ".DS_Store" -delete
Thanks to (loicland) for the fix.
Next run,
python collect_indoor3d_data.py
to generate "deep_gcns/data/stanford_indoor3d"
To generated your own HDF5 files, run,
python gen_indoor3d_h5.py
We use 6-fold training, such that 6 models are trained leaving 1 of 6 areas as the testing area for each model. We keep using 2 GPUs for distributed training. To train 6 models sequentially, run
sh +x train_job.sh
If you want to train model with other gcn layers (for example mrgcn), run
python train.py --log_dir $MODEL/log5 --test_area 5 --gcn 'mrgcn'
Make sure you have successfully setup the dataset for testing (Dataset, Step 2). You should have .npy files with the dataset in the folder "deep_gcns/data/stanford_indoor3d" and auxilary files pointing to the data in the folder "meta".
If you want to evaluate across all 6 areas (6-fold cross-validation):
- To generate predicted results for all 6 areas, run
sh +x test_job.sh
- Obtain overall quantitative evaluation results
python eval_iou_accuracy.py
If you want to evaluate on one area (for example area5):
- To generate predicted results for this area (area5), run
python batch_inference.py --model_path $MODEL/log5/epoch_$EPNUM.ckpt --dump_dir $MODEL/log5/dump --output_filelist $MODEL/log5/output_filelist.txt --room_data_filelist meta/area5_data_label.txt
- To obtain the quantitative evaluation results on this area, run
python eval_iou_accuracy.py --folder $MODEL --area 5
Several pretrained models (ResGCN-56, ResGCN-28W, ResGCN-28, DenseGCN-28, PlainGCN-28) can be downloaded:
- To install gdown which is required to download the pretrained models, run
pip install gdown
- To download the pretrained models and put them into the folder "pretrained", run
sh download_pretrained_models.sh
If you want to evaluate one of these models:
Select the corresponding model in the file "test_pretrained.sh"
To generate the predicted results and evaluate on area 5, run
sh +x test_pretrained.sh
In order to compare several pretrained models visually you can follow these steps:
- To generate the predicted results including files for visualization, run
sh +x visualize_pretrained.sh
- Open the visualization notebook and follow the steps in the notebook.
jupyter notebook visualization.ipynb