This code can be copied and pasted into a code snippet with the the WPCode Wordpress plugin (to appear with a shortcode). See the results of this code at
- You will need an OpenAI API key (see for details) - replace "<YOUR_API_KEY>" with this value in lines 21 and 67 of the code
The end to end execution of this code costs around $0.11 at the point of writing (previously $0.15 when using the completions endpoint with davinci-003
When a user enters a bible passage and clicks on submit, the following happens:
- Checks whether there's a post for this bible passage already, if not...
- Calls off to gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 completions API to get a vivid description of the bible passage in 20 words (temp 1)
- Passes this description to dall.e API (version 2) to get an image back as b64 file
- Uploads the image to the Wordpress media library and adds alt text
- Calls off to gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 completions API to get the bible passage summarised as a limerick (temp 0.5)
- Calls off to gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 completions API to get some practical application point suggestions (temp 0.7)
- Calls off to gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 completions API to get a list of related passages (temp 0.5)
- Writes all of these to a Wordpress post with the category set to be the book of the bible