- Console-based implementation of game of Tetris using 256-bit bitboards and AVX-2 SIMD instructions
- Tetris solver using greedy in-depth search processing up to 15 million moves per second
- Replay scenarios found by the solver
on Windows, open solution with Visual Studio 2019 or run build.cmd
on other systems, run dotnet build -c Release -r [your-system]
on Windows:
- Start the game in the console:
- Start tetris solver with a specified depth. Found scenarios will be printed out to the console:
tetriss.exe -solve 1000
- Replay scenario found by the solver:
tetriss.exe -replay "0:0 0:0 1:2 0:0 2:-3 3:-4 0:4"
on other systems: run dotnet run -c Release -p Tetriss [arguments]
- MIT license
- Copyright 2020 (c) lightln2